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RECESS At 3:44 P.M. Mayor <br />EXECUTIVE SESSION Evans recessed the <br /> meeting to hold an <br /> Executive Session to <br />consider legal and personnel matters; the meeting was recon- <br />vened at 4:45 P.M. and immediately recessed~for dinner. The <br />meeting recQnvened at 7:32 P.M. with all Council members present <br />except Councilman Brandt, who arrived at 8:25 P.M. <br /> <br />INVOCATION <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> <br />Following the Pledge <br />of Allegiance to the <br />Flag, the Invocation was <br />given by Councilman Garthe. <br /> <br />OATH OF OFFICE Mayor Evans announced that <br />HRC/HAC COMMISSION MEMBER the newly-appointed member <br />ERNEST NORTON to the Human Relations <br /> Commission/Housing Advisory <br />Commission, was present at the meeting to take the oath of <br />office; Clerk of the Council Florence Malone administered the <br />oath after which Councilmen individually welcomed Mr. Norton to <br />City service. CA 80.9 <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL #393 The Mayor announced that <br />VA 78-30 - 1225 W. 17TH STREET this was the time and <br />REFERRED TO PLANNING COMMISSION place for the public <br /> hearing of Negative <br />Declaration and Appeal #393 of the approval of Variance 78-30 <br />to allow a retail/wholesale motor parts store (Santa Ana Motor <br />Parts) in a C 1 zone and allow a business building to extend <br />thirty feet into a Ri District with the remaining portion of <br />the RI property used for parking and ingress/egress, at 1225 <br />West Seventeenth Street. <br /> <br />The Mayor turned the public hearing, over to Vice Mayor Ward <br />and left the Council Chambers after declaring the existence of <br />a potential conflict of interest in that the title company for <br />which he is employed is providing services to the applicant <br />for the Variance. <br /> <br />Robert Sundstrom, Associate Planner, taking excerpts from the <br />Planning Commission Finding of Fact, stated that there are two <br />zoning classifications applied to the parcel, C1 and Ri; that the <br />size of the parcel (80' x 243') provides minimal street frontage <br />for access and egress and parking; therefore, the building area <br />must be made up with the depth of the lot; that a 20-foot non- <br />exclusive easement for vehicular access is presently in existence <br />along the rear portion of the building to the north property line <br />which provides an adequate separation for the single-family <br />residences to the north. He added that the Planning Commission <br />had unanimously approved the Variance on July 24, 1978 because <br />the proposed use is consistent with surrounding uses and will <br />not be detrimental or injurious to surrounding properties and <br />it is consistent with the General Plan. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Ward recognized Mr. LeRoy Stoltz, 1226 West 18th <br />Street, who had filed the Appeal of the Planning Commission's <br />action to grant the Variance because it allows a wholesale <br />business in a C-1 zone and a business building to extend 30 feet <br />into an Ri zone that has a Variance for parking. <br /> <br />Mr. Stoltz stated that he had filed the Appeal on behalf of <br />homeowners in the area to preserve the integrity of the residen- <br />tial neighborhood. He reviewed a history of the development <br />of the area, illustrating cooperation between business and <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 353 AUGUST 21, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />