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AGENDA ORDER Item 66 on the Agenda. <br />MOTORCYCLE RACES AT STADIUM was considered next in <br />EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT order so that Councilman <br />CONDITIONALLY APPROVED Garthe, who had to leave <br /> the Council meeting early, <br />could participate in the presentation, discussion and vote on <br />this item. <br /> <br />By letter received August 29, 1978, Louis Kossuth, Producer of <br />the speedway motorcycle races at Eddie West Field - Santa Aha <br />Stadium, requested an amendment to the existing agreement to <br />schedule a final World Qualifier Race in the Stadium in Novem- <br />ber 1978. The request was referred to Staff by Council on <br />August 29, 1978. <br /> <br />Leisure Services Manager William Palethorpe stated that Mr. <br />Kossuth had complied with the terms of the agreement approved <br />by Council on May 1S, 1978; that the end of the term of the <br />agreement is September 16, 1978; that on August 31 the Recrea- <br />tion and Park Department staff and Mr. Kossnth had met with <br />School District representatives who use the field for football <br />games, and they were totally opposed to leaving the track <br />intact until the World Qualifier Race; that Staff had met <br />again with Mr. Kossuth on September 1 and had worked out two <br />other alternatives: that the producer sod the corners and <br />six feet into the endzon~; that the producer grade and sod the <br />corners and endzone, leaving balance in'dirt; and they were <br />being brought to Council for consideration although the con- <br />tractor naturally prefers to leave the field as is. <br /> <br />During the Council Discussion which followed, Councilmen reiter- <br />ated their support for maximum use of the~Stadium by events which <br />pay their own user expenses; and expressed recognition of the <br />City's responsibility to the schools because of advance schedul- <br />ing of football games. <br /> <br />Louis G. Kossuth, 313 Saint Crispen Street, Brea, producer of <br />the motorcycle races, stated that he has cooperated with the City <br />in every respect; that he would continue to do so; that he <br />anticipates a bigger racing season next year; and that he <br />believes that grading and sodding the corners and endzone, <br />leaving the balance in dirt, would be a fair situation. <br /> <br />Buzz McKnight stated that restoring the field to playing condi- <br />tion for conditioned athletes would not be sufficient for young <br />school players; that the endzones are not engineered with drains, <br />and unless the dirt is removed it will drain' down on the goal <br />line; and that the school district users strongly recommend re- <br />moval of the dirt and full restoration of the field. <br /> <br />Councilman Ward's motion to confirm the original agreement <br />was seconded by Councilman Bricken, and failed to carry 3:4, <br />with Councilmen Brandt, Garthe, Yamamoto and Mayor Evans dissent- <br />ing. <br /> <br />The motion of Councilman Brandt, seconded by Councilman Garthe, <br />to approve grading and sodding the corners and endzone, leaving <br />the balance in dirt, carried 4:3, with Councilmen Ward, Yama- <br />moto and Bricken dissenting. <br /> <br />A subsequent motion by Councilman Brandt, to offer to sell the <br />bowl to a qualified buyer, was seconded by Councilman Ortiz, and <br />failed to carry 2:4, with Councilmen Ward, Yamamoto, Bricken <br />and Mayor Evans dissenting. CA 52.8 <br /> <br />Prior to the vote on the final motion on the foregoing item, <br />Councilman Garthe left the Council Chambers at 2:50 P.M. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />376 SEPTEMBER 5, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />