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COUNCIL MEETING DATES Following consideration <br />4TH TUESDAY MEETING of a suggestion by Acting <br />DISCONTINUED City Manager Keith L. Gow <br /> contained in a memo to <br />Council dated August 28, 1978, that Council might wish to change <br />its meeting dates from first and third Mondays to first and <br />third Tuesdays of the month to permit additional time for review <br />of Council packet materials, a motion was made by Councilman <br />Bricken, seconded by Mayor Evans, to eliminate the fourth <br />Tuesday of the month meeting, and hold the Community Redevelop- <br />ment Agency, and Housing Authority meetings in conjunction with <br />the regular Monday Council meetings, carried 6:0 unanimously. <br /> <br />A prior motion by Councilman Brandt, seconded by Mayor Evans, <br />to change the Council meeting dates to the first and third <br />Tuesday each month and hold Agency and Authority meetings <br />on alternate Tuesdays failed to carry by a $:3 vote, with Council- <br />men Ward, Yamamoto and Bricken dissenting. <br /> <br />Discussion of a change of meeting nights from the first and third <br />Monday to the first and third Tuesday, was continued until after <br />the March 1979 Municipal Election, on the unanimously approved <br />6:0 motion of Mayor Evans, seconded by Councilman Brandt. <br /> CA 80 <br /> <br />PERSONNEL BOARD HEARING <br />FINDINGS & CONCLUSIONS <br />ROBERT CARO - RECEIVED & <br /> <br />FILED <br /> <br />received and filed the Personnel <br />Conclusions in the matter of the <br />by the Director of Personnel on August <br />Section 1008 of the City Charter. <br /> <br />On the unanimously approved <br />6:0 motion of Councilman <br />Brandt, seconded by Coun- <br />cilman Ortiz, Council <br />Board Hearing - Findings and <br />Request of Robert Caro, submitted <br /> 30, in accordance with <br /> CA S0.SA <br /> <br />"SANTA ANA INFORMATION DAYS" Council authorized the <br />SOLICITATION OF FUNDS Public Information Officer <br />AUTHORIZED to solicit and accept <br /> donations from City Ser- <br />vice Organizations to finance publicity and other costs incurred <br />in implementing the program and to deposit funds in an appro- <br />priate account at the discretion of the Director of Finance, on <br />the motion of Councilman Ward, seconded by Councilman Brandt, <br />and carried 4:2, with Councilmen Yamamoto and Ortiz dissenting. <br />The action was in accordance with the recommendation contained <br />in a report on the matter dated August 29 and prepared by Public <br />Information Officer Frank Blaszcak CA 1S1 <br /> <br />ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM SALES & S~nior Planner William <br />STORAGE OF VEHICLES: GARAGE SALES Daugherty reported on <br />ORAL REPORT - NO ACTION the current enforcement <br /> program regarding vehicles <br />for sale, garage sales and vehicle storage in front yards in <br />residential districts. Using a pin map, he explained that the <br />pins represented 91 violations for vehicle parking in fron't <br />yard setbacks and 19 garage sales violations; that informational <br />handouts regarding the Code violations had been distributed to <br />residents and that there has been a noticeable improvement, <br />particularly along McFadden between Bristol and Flower Streets. <br /> <br />ORAL COMMUNICATION Mayor Evans reminded Council <br />CITIZENS TASK FORCE - CITY SERVICES that each Councilman was <br />RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT asked to select two appointees <br /> to the Citizens Task Force <br />for City Services recommendations (Council Action on July 17, <br />1978) and asked the Clerk to distribute a list of the recommenda- <br />tions for appointment received to date to each Councilman. <br />Recommendations are due for nomination by Council at the Septem- <br />ber 18 meeting. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 377 <br /> <br />SEPTEMBER S, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />