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EXECUTIVE SESSION At 3:20 P.M. Council recessed <br />LEGAL MATTERS for an Executive Session to <br />DINNER RECESS consider legal matters; <br /> at 4:20 P.M. Council <br />reconvened with the same members present, and immediately recessed <br />for dinner at the Black Angus restaurant. The meeting was re- <br />convened for the evening Agenda at 7:35 P.M., with all Council- <br />men present. <br /> <br />INVOCATION <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> <br />Madelay Trinity Methodist Church. <br /> <br />Following the Pledge of <br />Allegiance to the Flag, <br />the Invocation was given <br />by Pastor Albert Stefan, <br /> <br />PRENTICE PARK ACQUISITION On behalf of the City, <br />ORANGE COUNTY REVENUE SHARING Councilman Garthe grate- <br />FUNDS ACCEPTED fully accepted, from <br /> Supervisor Philip Anthony, <br />an Orange County Revenue Sharing check in the amount of <br />$131,000, to be used for the expansion of Prentice Park. The <br />Supervisor commented that there was no better purpose for <br />federal monies than permanent capital improvements for the <br />people's use and enjoyment. <br /> <br />RECOGNITION OF PACIFIC Councilman Brandt presented <br />OUTDOOR ADVERTISING PRESENTED to Jay Kingry a City tile <br /> for his personal effort <br /> in coordinating the bill- <br />board advertising of the Community Oriented Policing (COP) <br />Program, along with a proclamation commending his organization, <br />Pacific Outdoor Advertising, for its outstanding contribution <br />of 45 COP billboards placed throughout the City. <br /> <br />OATH OF OFFICE The Clerk of the Council <br />RODGER D. RAMSEYER administered the Oath of <br />ADMINISTERED Office to Rodger D. Ramseyer, <br /> newly appointed member of <br />the Human Relations Commission/Housing Advisory Commission. <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING NEGATIVE <br />DECLARATION ikMENDMENT APPLICATION <br />NO. 800 ORDINANCE NS-1453 PLACED <br />ON FIRST READING <br /> <br />No. 800, filed by William Papineau, <br /> <br /> Mayor Evans announced that <br /> this was the time and place <br /> for the public hearing of <br /> Negative Declaration and <br /> ~kmendment Application <br />to rezone property at 5016 West <br /> <br />Fifth Street from the A1 (General Agriculture) District to the <br />R2 (Multiple Family Residence) District, or a more restrictive <br />district. <br /> <br />Senior Planner William Daugherty, taking excerpts from the Plan- <br />ning Department report dated August 15, 1978, stated that the <br />Planning Commission had unanimously recommended approval of <br />the 'ikmendment Application on August 14, 1978 because the property <br />is within a neighborhood presently in transition from older <br />single-family residences to medium density residential; that <br />the proposed zoning conforms to development in the area as well <br />as to the General Plan and would not be detrimental to the <br />surrounding area. <br /> <br />There were no proponents, opponents or speakers who responded to <br />the Mayor's request for comments and he closed the public hearing. <br />Council approved and filed the Negative Declaration, placed the <br />following ordinance on first reading and authorized publication <br />of its title, on the unanimously approved 7:0 motion of Council- <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br /> <br />378 SEPTEMBER 5, 1978 <br /> <br /> <br />