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Councilmember McGuigan commended Councilmember Serrato on his recent <br />television appearance on Channel 5. <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />The Council recessed at 4:53 p.m., <br />and reconvened in Room 147, at <br />4:58 p.m., with the same members <br />present. <br /> <br />PHASE II - FASHION SQUARE Joe Foust, President of JEF <br />TRAFFIC DESIGN CONCEPTS Engineering, briefed the Council <br /> on alternate design concepts <br /> intended to encourage diversion <br />of traffic from Main Street in the North Santa Ana area, including <br />such possibilities as construction of an interchange for Fashion Square <br />to the connector ramp of the Santa Aha and Garden Grove Freeways, con- <br />struction of a full diamond interchange at the Lawson/La Veta connections <br />to the Garden Grove Freeway, and improvements to the Main Street inter- <br />change of the Santa Ana Freeway. He explained that the alternatives <br />attempted to provide high-speed and increased capacity access to the <br />Fashion Square area, and that if all alternatives were constructed, the <br />cost was projected at $16 to $17 million. Since he anticipated develop- <br />ment planned for the area would yield approximately $8 million, this <br />would result in an $8 to $9 million shortfall. Councilmembers posed <br />several questions to Mr. Foust and requested that he provide an $8 million <br />solution recognizing the need to provide, if not the ultimate, at least, <br />additional traffic capacity for the area. CA 18.9 <br /> <br />RECESS <br /> <br />Ag 5:18 p.m., Councilmembers <br />recessed to a Christmas dinner <br />at Ristorante Ervino, 2431 <br />North Tustin Avenue. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT <br /> <br />At 11:03 p.m., the Council was <br />informally adjourned. <br /> <br />~ir~eo~' t ~Ycounci 1X~ <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 427 DECEMBER 20, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br />