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<br />MacArthur Place South Findings and Facts in Support of Findings <br />Environmental Impact Report <br /> <br />officer and telephone number. <br /> <br />AQ-3 During finish work, the construction contractor shall ensure the minimization of ROG <br />emissions. Building plans for the project shall specify and require the use of pre-coated <br />building materials, use of high pressure-low volume (HPL V) paint applicators with 50% <br />efficiency, and use oflower volatility paint not to exceed 100 grams ofROG per liter. <br /> <br />AQ-4 During construction and grading activities, the developer's construction contractor shall <br />comply with the measures set forth in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan <br />(SWPPP) to ensure that airborne dust is kept to a minimum. <br /> <br />Level of Significance of Impacts Related to Construction Related Air Oualitv Impacts <br /> <br />The short-term air quality impacts associated with the construction of MacArthur Place South <br />cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance. <br /> <br />4. 1.3 Impacts Related to Long Term Air Quality Impacts <br /> <br />Potentiallv Significant Adverse Impact Related to Long Term Operational Air Oualitv Impacts. <br /> <br />As described in Section 5.3 in the EIR, the operation of the MacArthur Place South project will <br />result in significant long-term air quality impacts related to regional NOx, carbon monoxide (CO) <br />and reactive organic gases (ROG) emissions. <br /> <br />Finding Related to Long Term Operational Air Oualitv Impacts <br /> <br />Specific economic, legal, social, technological or other considerations make infeasible the <br />mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR to reduce unavoidable <br />significant impacts to a level that would be less than significant. <br /> <br />Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Long Term Operational Air Oualitv Impacts <br /> <br />There are no feasible mitigation measures or project alternatives to substantially reduce NOx. CO <br />and ROG emissions during operation of the proposed project to a level that would be less than <br />significant. Therefore, the air quality impacts during operation of the MacArthur Place project <br />related to regional NO" CO and ROG emissions would be significant and unavoidable. <br />Compliance with the following project enhancement measure will lessen long-term operational <br />air quality impacts. <br /> <br />AQ-5 Prior to issuance of building permits and to the extent feasible, building plans for the <br />proposed project shall reflect the use of the following measures. <br /> <br />. Use low-polluting high energy-efficient appliances <br />. Install solar panels on roofs to supply electricity for heating and cooling <br />. Use double-paned windows to reduce thermal loss <br />. Install automatic lighting on/off controls and energy-efficient lighting <br /> <br />Exhibit B <br />Page 10 of38 <br /> <br />Page 10 <br />