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<br />MacArthur Place South Findings and Facts in Support of Findings <br />Environmental Impact Report <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />· Use light colored roofing materials in new construction to deflect heat away from <br />buildings. <br /> <br />Level of Significance of Impacts Related to Long Term Operational Air Oualitv Impacts <br /> <br />The adverse operational impacts of the MacArthur Place South project related to long term <br />operational NOx, CO and ROG emissions cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance. <br /> <br />4.1.4 Cumulative Impacts Related to Air Quality <br /> <br />Potentiallv Significant Cumulative Adverse Impact Related to Air Oualitv <br /> <br />As discussed above, the construction related NOx emissions of the proposed project and the <br />operations related NOx, ROG and CO emissions of the proposed project would exceed the <br />applicable South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) thresholds for these <br />criteria pollutants. The impacts from the proposed project plus related cumulative projects <br />would additionally contribute to cumulatively significant adverse emissions in the South Coast <br />Air Basin (Basin), which is already a nonattainment area. This impact is significant and adverse <br />and cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance. Regional programs to reach air quality <br />goals and standards will be adhered to by the cumulative projects, reducing the impact. <br />However, the incremental increase is considered significant and adverse when added to the <br />existing nonattainment levels of the Basin. <br /> <br />. Finding Related to Cumulative Air Oualitv <br /> <br />Specific economic, legal, social, technological or other consideration, make infeasible the <br />mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR that would reduce <br />cumulative impacts to a level considered less than significant. <br /> <br />Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Cumulative Air Oualitv <br /> <br />There are no feasible mitigation measures or feasible project alternatives to substantially reduce <br />NOx emissions during construction and regional NOx, CO and ROG emissions during operation <br />of the proposed project. Therefore, the significant adverse air quality impacts during <br />construction and operation of the MacArthur Place South project cannot be reduced to below a <br />level of significance. Therefore, the MacArthur Place South project will contribute cumulatively <br />to adverse air quality impacts in the Basin. <br /> <br />Level of Significance ofImpacts Related to Cumulative Air Oualitv <br /> <br />The contribution of the MacArthur Place South project to cumulatively adverse impacts related <br />to NOx emissions during construction and NO" CO and ROG emissions during operation cannot <br />be mitigated to below a level of significance. <br /> <br />. 4.1.5 Impacts Related to Transportation <br /> <br />Exhibit B <br />Page 11 of38 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br />