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<br />. <br /> <br />MacArthur Place South Findings and Facts in Support of Findings <br />Environmental Impact Report <br /> <br />Quality Management Plan (WQMP) based on the Final Grading Plan, to be approved by <br />the City's Director of Public Works. The WQMP shall be consistent with the DAMP and <br />shall contain provisions and BMP s for construction and operation conditions. <br /> <br />HW-7 Prior to the issuance of building permits, the project developer shall pay the City's <br />drainage impact fee. <br /> <br />HW -8 Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall verifY that structural <br />BMP s have been permanently incorporated into project plans. Such BMP s shall ensure <br />that pollutants from project-related storm water runoff are mitigated consistently with <br />applicable state and local standards. <br /> <br />HW -9 Prior to issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall submit a final drainage <br />plan to the City identifYing the exact size and location of drainage facilities. <br /> <br />HW - IOPrior to issuance of grading permits, the project developer shall provide proof of an <br />NPDES permit from RWQCB to the City for onsite dewatering activities. <br /> <br />HW -II Prior to issuance of building permits for tenant improvements for restaurant uses, the <br />project developer shall ensure that the proposed restaurants are fitted with grease <br />interceptors to the size and capacity as designated by the City of Santa Ana Building <br />Division. <br /> <br />. Level of Significance oflmpacts Related to Hvdrology and Water Oualitv <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The adverse impacts of the MacArthur Place South project related to Hydrology and Water <br />Quality would be mitigated to below a level of significance based on the implementation of <br />mitigation measures HW-l, HW-2, HW-3, HW-4, HW-5, HW-6, HW-7, HW-8, HW-9, HW-IO, <br />and HW-Il. <br /> <br />4.2.5 Impacts Related to Noise <br /> <br />Potentiallv Significant Adverse Impacts Related to Noise <br /> <br />As discussed in Section 5.8, the construction of the project would result in short-term noise <br />impacts. Additionally, during the operation of the project proposed residential uses would be <br />impacted with noise levels in excess of the City's General Plan noise standards. <br /> <br />Findings Related to Noise Impacts <br /> <br />Mitigation measures and/or project enhancement measures have been incorporated into the <br />project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in <br />the EIR. <br /> <br />Facts in Support of the Finding Related to Noise Impacts <br /> <br />Exhibit B <br />Page 21 of38 <br /> <br />Page 21 <br />