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of Santa Ana <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />ArcInfo extends the functionality of both ArcView and ArcEditor to include <br />advanced geoprocessing. Although this level of functionality is not required <br />by most of Motorola's customers, Motorola supports the Arc(nfo level. <br />For additional information regarding ESRI software, access <br />2.1.2 Personal Geodatabase Format (Required) <br />The ESRI ArcGIS Desktop supports a data format called the "geodatabase" (short for <br />geographic database). The geodatabase is the latest data model created by ESRI for <br />representing GIS data; feature classes and data relationships are all managed in a single <br />database file. <br />If required by the Customer, Motorola will provide detailed instructions on how to build a <br />personal geodatabase. The ESRI Learning Center also offers instructor -led courses regarding <br />building the personal geodatabase. Access for information regarding <br />ESRI Training site locations and dates. <br />For experienced ESRI ArcGIS users that require information regarding building the personal <br />geodatabase, the ESRI Virtual Campus offers web -based training and workshops on creating, <br />editing, and managing the geodatabase. Access http: / / for additional <br />information. <br />There are two types of ESRI geodatabases as follows. <br />Personal geodatabase: The personal geodatabase can only be used by one person <br />at a time and is stored in a database format (Microsoft's Jet engine). The <br />personal geodatabase can be created using ArcGIS (Arc Editor or Arclnfo <br />level). A personal geodatabase provides services for managing geographic <br />data; these services include validation rules, relationships and topological <br />associations. The personal geodatabase is required for Motorola customers; it <br />is configured to include many data types that may include shapefiles, CAD <br />drawings, etc. <br />Multiuser geodatabase: The multiuser geodatabase requires ArcSDE for editing. <br />The multiuser geodatabase can be edited and viewed by multiple users at the <br />same time and is stored in Oracle, SQL Server, Informix, or IBM DB2. <br />The geodatabase offers these advantages over its predecessor (the coverage model): <br />❖ All GIS data layers are stored together in a single relational database management <br />system (RDBMS). This allows organizations to have an integrated data management <br />policy covering all data, which simplifies support and maintenance. <br />❖ Provides support for intelligent features, rules, and relationships. The geodatabase data <br />model supports a collection of objects (rows in a database table) and features (objects <br />with geometry). The geodatabase supports advanced capabilities such as geometric <br />and logical networks, true curves, complex polylines, and user - defined features. Users <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 46 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola. Inc.. or its <br />designees. <br />