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of Santa Ana <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />can define topological and associative relationships and rules that define how feature <br />classes interact. <br />Geodatabases can be accessed via the standard menus and tools in ESRI software. <br />2.1.3 ERSI ArcGIS Training (Required) <br />For customers without previous ESRI ArcGIS Training, Motorola requires the <br />Customer's Geofile System Administrator and others who will work with MGU to <br />attend ArcGIS I and ArcGIS II training courses, offered through the ESRI Learning <br />Center. <br />The ESRI Learning Center offers instructor -led, hands -on training classes at ESRI <br />facilities throughout the United States. Instructor -led courses are the first choice of <br />many agencies; however, the ESRI Virtual Campus offers GIS education and training <br />over the Internet. <br />For agencies that are new to GIS concepts, instructor -led training may be preferred <br />due to the hands -on experience, class participation, and the ability to get answers to <br />questions immediately. For agencies with some GIS experience, web -based training <br />may be preferred due to the convenience and ability to control one's own learning <br />experience. <br />For information regarding ESRI instructor -led training, access /training. <br />For information about the ESRI Virtual Campus, access http: / / <br />2.1.4 ArcSDE (Optional) <br />Motorola customers have the option to purchase ArcSDE for additional functionality. <br />ArcSDE is the GIS gateway to relational databases allowing the user to manage GIS <br />data in a RDBMS and serve data openly to the ArcGIS Desktop. ArcSDE supports the <br />following RDBMS: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, and IBM's DB2. <br />ArcSDE allows users to manage a GIS database of unlimited size, and supports a <br />continuous and seamless (not tiled or split) database. <br />2.2 Advanced Tactical Mapping (Premier ATM) <br />Motorola's Advanced Tactical Mapping (Premier ATM) is a software product that seamlessly <br />integrates with the CAD system to provide the telecommunicator with a geographic display of <br />emergency activities within their area of responsibility. As calls for service are received, they <br />are displayed on the ATM map. If the Automatic Vehicle Location (Premier AV L Server) is <br />implemented, ATM integrates AVL tracking functions into one complete system. ATM <br />includes the following features. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 47 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, inc.. or its <br />designees. <br />