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of Santa Ana <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />❖ The Customer is responsible for supplying the digital street centerline file to Motorola. <br />The Customer is expected to supply the GIS data in the data format outlined in the <br />Required GIS Data Format section of this document. If the Customer supplies the GIS <br />data, the Customer is responsible for the attribute and spatial accuracy of the GIS data. <br />d• After the Customer has received the MGU Training, subsequent GIS data uploads to <br />Motorola CAD will be the Customer's responsibility. <br />2.4 GIS Source Data <br />Motorola's CAD system utilizes a coordinate -based geofile for all mapping - related <br />operations. For example, when an incident address is validated against the geofile, the <br />incident's location coordinates are stored as part of the incident record. The incident <br />may be displayed graphically on the Advanced Tactical Mapping (Premier ATM) <br />display and subsequent operations involving specific incidents utilize the coordinates <br />to search for potential duplicates, hazards, and when CAD is integrated with an AVL <br />system, for unit recommendation. <br />The GIS data provides the basis for the Motorola CAD geofile. Since Public Safety <br />Dispatching requires a high level of geofile accuracy, it is essential that the GIS data is <br />accurate and current. City or County GIS Planning Departments, or other government <br />agencies may have existing GIS data for the Customer. The GIS data should contain <br />complete street centerline coverage and attributes (i.e., street names and address <br />ranges), in addition to the required boundary dispatch layers (i.e., law, fire, EMS) and <br />common place locations (i.e., hospitals, parks) for the Customer's service area. The <br />Customer will determine the GIS data source to be used as the basis for the Motorola <br />CAD geofile. <br />Motorola will produce a series of Analysis Reports detailing the GIS data status from <br />a CAD perspective. If the Customer GIS data is not complete (i.e., street centerlines <br />addresses are inaccurate or service boundaries are missing), the Customer may make <br />required modifications or coordinate the GIS data modifications with a GIS Planning <br />Department or a GIS vendor, and resubmit the corrected GIS data to Motorola in a <br />supported format. <br />2.4.1 Required GIS Data Format <br />The Customer must supply the GIS data to Motorola in an ESRI personal geodatabase <br />format; the data must be in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), State Plane NAD <br />27 and State Plane NAD 83 projections (coordinates must be seven digits or less). For <br />additional information regarding the personal geodatabase format, refer to the <br />Motorola Geofile Utility (MGU) appendix. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 49 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ma without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />