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City of Santa Ana Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />Additional formats supported by Motorola include ESRI ArcInfo coverage, ESRI <br />ArcView shapefile, MapInfo, TIGER, and DXF formats in Universal Transverse <br />Mercator (UTM), State Plane NAD 27 and State Plane NAD 83 projections <br />(coordinates must be seven digits or less). <br />2.4.2 GIS Map Layers in the Motorola CAD Geotiile <br />The following GIS map layers are used to create the base geofile for Motorola CAD. <br />Additional GIS map layers may be used for display reference in Premier ATM. <br />Additional layers may include rivers, lakes, railroads, parks, right -of -way, fire <br />hydrants, parcels, and any map layers that would enhance the ATM map display. <br />Map Layer Required Description <br />Street Centeriine Yes Contains the street centerlines and associated attribute information such as the <br />left and right, low and high address ranges, X and Y coordinates, left and right <br />municipal and dispatch zone assignments, additional boundary assignments, low <br />and high cross streets, response code, message information, class code <br />designation, and other attributes for each street record. <br />Intersection <br />Yes <br />Contains each unique intersection name and associated attributes such as the X <br />and Y coordinates, municipal and dispatch zone assignments, additional boundary <br />assignments, response code, message information, and other attributes. <br />Note: The intersection layer may be automatically generated from the street layer <br />using ArcGIS (ArcEditor or higher level). <br />City /County <br />Yes <br />Contains the city and county boundaries in one geographic non - overlapping layers <br />Boundaries <br />and associated attributes such as the name, X and Y coordinates, and other <br />attributes. The city and county boundaries are used to distinguish street address <br />locations. <br />Map Pages <br />No <br />Contains the map page boundaries and associated attributes such as the name, X <br />and Y coordinates, and other attributes. The map page boundaries are used for <br />reference purposes. <br />Reporting <br />No <br />Contains the statistical reporting areas and associated attributes such as the <br />Districts <br />name, agency, X and Y coordinates, message, response and other attributes. The <br />statistical reporting areas are optional in Motorola CAD and are typically used for <br />analysis purposes. <br />Dispatch <br />Specific dispatch <br />Motorola's CAD system supports up to nine (9) Customer - defined dispatch <br />Boundaries <br />boundaries are <br />boundary layers. Additional boundary layers that exist in the Customer's GIS data <br />required for associated <br />may be used for display reference in ATM. The following provides examples of <br />agency dispatching <br />typical boundaries. <br />(i.e., Law dispatch <br />Law: Contains law dispatch zones and associated attributes such as the name, <br />zones are necessary <br />agency, X and Y coordinates, message, response, and other attributes. The law <br />for sites requiring law <br />dispatch zones are necessary for sites requiring law dispatch. <br />dispatch). <br />Fire: Contains fire dispatch zones and associated attributes such as the name, <br />agency, X and Y coordinates, message, response, and other attributes. The fue <br />dispatch zones are necessary for sites requiring fire dispatch. <br />EMS: Contains emergency medical service dispatch zones and associated <br />attributes such as the name, agency, X and Y coordinates, message, response, <br />and other attributes. The emergency medical service dispatch zones are <br />necessary for sites requiring EMS dispatch. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 50 0512105 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared With any <br />Person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />