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of Santa <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />❖ Motorola Geoflle Utility (MGU): Motorola's geofile utility that runs on ESRI <br />ArcGIS software (ArcEditor level or higher). The MGU supports the upload of <br />ArcGIS data directly to CAD, the assignment of digital street centerlines, <br />intersections, and common places to service boundaries, and a street check utility that <br />identifies and flags street records in error, from a Motorola CAD perspective. <br />❖ Mobile Personal Computer (MPC): In- vehicle Mobile Personal Computer. <br />❖ North American Datum (NAD): There are two North American Datums as follows: <br />North American Datum of 1927 (NAD 27) and North American Datum of 1983 (NAD <br />83). Both are geodetic reference systems, but are based on different measurements. <br />NAD 27 incorporated all horizontal geodetic surveys completed up to 1927. NAD 83 <br />updated NAD 27 with current measurements using radio astronomy and satellite <br />observations. NAD 83 positions are consistent with satellite location systems. <br />❖ Record: Represents a row of information in an SQL database table. A record may <br />represent a single street segment or a single common place or a single fire dispatch <br />zone. <br />❖ Relative Accuracy: The positional measurements in the geofile in relation to other <br />elements. For instance, 2nd Street is east of 1st Street and west of 3rd Street. For many <br />sites without AVL, relative accuracy is more important than absolute accuracy (true <br />coordinate position on the ground). <br />❖ Segment: Typically represents a street block that is defined by two intersections. The <br />terms street segment and street record may be used interchangeably. <br />❖ Shapefile: An ESRI shapefile ( *.shp) is a spatial data format that consists of a main <br />file, an index file, and a dBASE table. The main file is a direct access, variable <br />record - length file where each record describes a shape with a list of its vertices. In the <br />index file, each record contains the offset of the corresponding main file record from <br />the beginning of the main file. The dBASE table contains features attributes with one <br />record per feature. The one -to -one relationship between geometry and attributes is <br />based on record number. Attribute records in the dBASE file must be in the same <br />order as records in the main file. Shapefiles can be created by digitizing shapes using <br />ESRI ArcView GIS feature creation tools. <br />❖ Source Maps: The hardcopy maps and/or digital maps that the Customer sends to <br />Motorola during the geofile build process. The source maps are used by Motorola to <br />commence geofile construction. <br />❖ State Plane Coordinate System: The State Plane Coordinate system was established <br />by the federal government and is based on X,Y coordinates defined by the USGS for <br />each state. Locations are based on the distance from an origin point defined for each <br />state. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 63 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency rot directly associated *fth the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />