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of Santa Ana <br />Exhibit C -3 Statement of Work <br />ev Topologically Integrated Geocoding and Referencing (TIGER): A data format <br />developed by the US Bureau of Census for the 1990 US census to support its mapping <br />needs for the Decennial Census and other Bureau programs. The TIGER files are a <br />digital database of geographic features, such as roads, railroads, rivers, lakes, political <br />boundaries, census statistical boundaries and other boundaries, covering the entire <br />United States. The database includes features information such as latitude and <br />longitude coordinate, the name, the type of feature, address ranges, and other related <br />information. TIGER files require data enhancement in order to meet the needs of <br />Public Safety Dispatching. <br />•S Trimble ASCII Interface Protocol (TAIP): A Trimble - defined specification used to <br />communicate to and from GPS receivers. <br />❖ Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM): A map projection that divides the world <br />into 60 north -south zones, each covering a strip 6° wide in longitude. In each zone, <br />coordinates are measured north and east in meters. The northing values are measured <br />continuously from zero at the Equator, in a northerly direction. Southerly values are <br />similarly measured from the Equator, south. <br />❖ X,Y Coordinates: A standard grid coordinate system. Map positions are calculated in <br />feet based on an x (horizontal) and y (vertical) axis. <br />Exhibit C -3, Statement of Work Page C3 - 64 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not direcity associated wdth the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />