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City of Santa Ana Exhibit C -4 Acceptance Test Plan <br />1. Acceptance Test Plan <br />1.1 Document Overview <br />This document describes Motorola's testing strategy for the Customer's Integrated <br />Public Safety Information System. Motorola's testing strategy will ensure that the <br />system is operating in accordance with the technical, functional and integration <br />specifications. Motorola's approach demonstrates a consistent approach for testing <br />across all integrated products. <br />Motorola's comprehensive testing strategy includes the following testing activities: <br />Core hardware and software will be installed and accepted according to the <br />project schedule. <br />❖ Functional testing will occur for each subsystem as the subsystem is deployed. <br />4• System Acceptance Testing includes a system level test to demonstrate the <br />interoperability and integration of the subsystems. <br />The successful commencement of production use (live -cut) of each subsystem <br />constitutes Final System Acceptance. Defects will be resolved in accordance with the <br />Target Resolutions as defined in Table 1 below and the Support Plan. <br />This document contains the following Sections: <br />•S General Provisions <br />Testing Schedule <br />Management Activities <br />❖ Test Tracking and Reporting <br />❖ Testing Roles and Responsibilities <br />❖ Acceptance Test Plan Activities <br />For additional information please refer to the sample subsystem test plans in this <br />section. <br />Exhibit C -4, Acceptance Test Plan Page C4 - 1 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information <br />and may not be shared with any person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana <br />without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its designees. <br />