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of Santa Ana <br />Exhibit C -4 Acceptance Test Plan <br />In the event the Motorola portion of an interface to an external system fails to <br />perform as specified, the error condition shall be corrected and the function <br />retested. If it is determined that the failure is due to problems beyond the <br />Motorola system demarcation point for the external system, the Customer shall <br />be responsible for contacting the appropriate resources for the external system <br />to resolve the problem, at which time the function will be retested. The failure <br />of the Motorola interface to an external system due to problems beyond the <br />Motorola system demarcation point shall not prevent Interface Acceptance. <br />The following test sequences will be conducted upon installation of all system <br />components. <br />❖ System Test: System level test to demonstrate the interoperability and integration <br />of the subsystems. <br />•3 Final System Acceptance Milestone: Successful completion of the tests <br />conducted for each Subsystem and the System as a whole, as well as resolution of <br />defects list items in accordance with the resolution targets described in Figure 1. <br />Exhibit C -4, Acceptance Test Plan Page C4 - 9 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information <br />and may not be shared with any person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana <br />without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its designees. <br />