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City of Santa Ana Exhibit C -4 Acceptance Test Plan <br />•'r Acknowledge successful completion of test activities <br />1.7 Acceptance Test Plan Activities <br />The schedule for conducting acceptance testing is defined within the project schedule. <br />The overall sequence for, and definitions of, acceptance and performance are <br />contained in the proposal. The basic test sequence for each primary subsystem is <br />described below. <br />❖ Core Hardware and Software Installation: All core Hardware and Software will <br />be installed at the Customer. Motorola will install the corehardware (as applicable) <br />and core software and perform a "cold install' which demonstrates the core <br />software has been correctly loaded on the hardware. <br />❖ Functional Testing: Each primary subsystem will be tested in a non - production <br />environment to ensure that it meets contract requirements. External interfaces will <br />also be tested. <br />♦ Base Application Software Acceptance: Base Application Software <br />Acceptance testing for each primary subsystem will occur upon completion of <br />the Train the Trainer course relative to the primary subsystem and the primary <br />subsystem components are in a sufficient state of readiness to be tested. <br />Motorola will provide the Customer with standard test scripts for review and <br />approval. Motorola resources will execute the approved test scripts and the <br />Customer will observe and identify problems. The tests will demonstrate the <br />base application software by exercising its functions with the associated <br />equipment to assure that it operates according to the technical and functional <br />specifications and that the hardware and software components of the System <br />are compatible for operations. <br />Following the successful completion of the Base Application Software testing, <br />Motorola shall certify that the base application software functions according to <br />its specifications. All documentation associated with the base application <br />software as listed in the Agreement between the parties shall be provided. <br />♦ Interface Acceptance: Interface acceptance testing will occur following the <br />Base Application Software Acceptance or, if applicable, the Final Installation <br />tasks. The Motorola Application and Software Engineers will demonstrate the <br />Motorola system interfaces to external systems by exercising the functions <br />with the associated equipment to assure it operates according to the related <br />technical specifications and documentation, and that the hardware and software <br />components of the System are compatible for operations in a production <br />environment. <br />Exhibit C -4, Acceptance Test Plan Page C4 - 8 05/2105 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information <br />and may not be shared with any person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana <br />without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its designees. <br />