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of Santa Ana <br />1. Project Training Plan <br />1.1 Training Guidelines <br />Exhibit C -5 Training Plan <br />Motorola considers training to be an extremely important aspect of the system <br />installation. The training plan outlined on the following pages identifies the training <br />methodology, identifies locations of training courses, and provides information on the <br />length of all courses, course content, target audience, and prerequisite requirements for <br />attendees. Motorola is proposing Train - the - Trainer courses and technical training <br />courses for the Customer's consideration. <br />Motorola provides sufficient training for the Customer's training staff to become <br />operationally proficient on the system installed and to train remaining Customer staff <br />on the functions of the system installed. <br />1.2 System Administrators/Training Representatives <br />The Customer will be obligated to appoint a key individual to act as the System <br />Administrator for each primary application/component. These individuals will be <br />responsible for reporting/verifying problems, completing and maintaining application <br />configuration, and performing system administrative duties such as system back -ups, <br />archives, etc. The designated individuals should be proficient in Windows, and <br />possess database administration, as well as PC and System knowledge. <br />Prior to the start of training, the Customer will designate Training Representatives for <br />each primary application. These individuals must be familiar with the Customer's <br />daily operations and must attend each Motorola educational course relative to their <br />discipline. Motorola trainers will rely on these representatives as the point of contact <br />for Motorola staff when policy and procedural questions arise, to act as course <br />facilitators, and to act as the Customer's educational monitors. The Customer will also <br />identify the personnel who will serve as trainers. These individuals must participate in <br />all the Train - the - Trainer courses relative to their discipline. In addition to the skills <br />described below, the Customer's trainers should have prior experience as a classroom <br />instructor and a thorough understanding of the Customer's operations. Other courses <br />will require participants from different areas of the Customer's operations as shown in <br />the individual course descriptions that follow. <br />1.3 Training Facilities and Scheduling <br />Motorola and the Customer shall each provide facilities for training courses that are <br />alcohol and smoke free. Both the classroom and workshop classes will require a <br />white -board for instructor's use and shall accommodate student note taking. The <br />Exhibit C -5 Training Plan Page C5 - 1 0512105 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information and may not be shared <br />With any person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, <br />Inc., or its designees. <br />