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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />EXHIBIT C -7 ACCEPTANCE TEST PLAN <br />the date and time the entry was opened, the date closed, the test number and <br />step, a description of the failure. <br />In the case that the correction of variances may invalidate some or all previously <br />completed acceptance tests (depending upon the extent of the changes made), <br />Motorola and the City of Santa Ana Fire will agree as to which test must be repeated <br />once the variance is fixed. <br />1.2 TEST CASES <br />1.2.1 <br />1.2.2 <br />The purpose of the test cases is to validate the installation and proper functional <br />operation relating to: <br />• Wireless data transmission through each Intelligent Access Point <br />• IP networking capability <br />• Wireless Mesh network management features. <br />Wireless data transmission through each Wireless Router <br />and each Intelligent Access Point <br />This test plan envisions the use of the iPERF application to validate wireless network <br />IP connectivity through an Intelligent Access Point (IAP). The test procedures will <br />assume that an iPERF client is running on the mobile host, and an iPERF server is <br />running on another device in the core network. <br /> <br />For each IAP in the system, a test will be conducted to validate the ability to transfer a <br />file wirelessly through that element of the broadband network. Each test will be <br />conducted within line of site of the IAP. The test outcome for each element will be <br />recorded as "Pass" upon the completion of a successful file transfer through that <br />element of the network. <br />IP networking capability <br />Addressing Using Network DHCP or Statically Assigned IP <br />Addresses <br />A mobile host will be configured to use DHCP to obtain an IP address, and will be <br />connected to the mesh network using a WMC. The WMC will be provisioned to use <br />network DHCP via the element management system. The test procedure will verify <br />that the mobile host receives an IP address from the pool configured on the DHCP <br />server. If the City chooses to statically assign IP addresses, this test can be performed <br />Exhibit C -7, Acceptance Test Plan Page C7 - 2 05/2/05 <br />CN: 05 -17505 <br />\Proposal: B05- 000211 <br />This document contains Motorola and Motorola confidential, proprietary, and trade secret infomration and may not be shared with any <br />person or agency not directly associated with the City of Santa Ana without the express written consent of Motorola, Inc., or its <br />designees. <br />