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"Principal Period of Maintenance" or "PPM" means the specified days, and times during the <br />days, that maintenance and support services will be provided under this Agreement. The PPM <br />selected by Customer is indicated in the Support Plan Options and Pricing Worksheet. <br />" Printrak" means Printrak International Incorporated, a Motorola company. <br />"Products" means the Equipment (if applicable as indicated in the Description of Covered <br />Products) and Software provided by Seller. <br />"Releases" means an Update or Upgrade to the Motorola Software and are characterized as <br />"Supplemental Releases," "Standard Releases," or "Product Releases." A "Supplemental <br />Release" is defined as a minor release of Motorola Software that contains primarily error <br />corrections to an existing Standard Release and may contain limited improvements that do not <br />affect the overall structure of the Motorola Software. Depending on Customer's specific <br />configuration, a Supplemental Release might not be applicable. Supplemental Releases are <br />identified by the third digit of the three -digit release number, shown here as underlined: "1.2.3 ". <br />A "Standard Release" is defined as a major release of Motorola Software that contains product <br />enhancements and improvements, such as new databases, modifications to databases, or new <br />servers. A Standard Release may involve file and database conversions, System configuration <br />changes, hardware changes, additional training, on -site installation, and System downtime. <br />Standard Releases are identified by the second digit of the three -digit release number, shown <br />here as underlined: "1.2.3 ". A "Product Release" is defined as a major release of Motorola <br />Software considered to be the next generation of an existing product or a new product offering. <br />Product Releases are identified by the first digit of the three -digit release number, shown here as <br />underlined: "1.2.3 ". If a question arises as to whether a Product offering is a Standard Release or <br />a Product Release, Motorola's opinion will prevail, provided that Motorola treats the Product <br />offering as a new Product or feature for its end user customers generally <br />"Residual Error" means a software malfunction or a programming, coding, or syntax error that <br />causes the Software to fail to conform to the Specifications. <br />"Services" means those maintenance and support services described in the Support Plan and <br />provided under this Agreement. <br />"Software" means the Motorola Software and Non - Motorola Software that is furnished with the <br />System or Equipment. <br />"Specifications" means the design, form, functionality, or performance requirements described in <br />published descriptions of the Software, and if also applicable, in any modifications to the <br />published specifications as expressly agreed to in writing by the parties. <br />"Standard Business Day" means Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time, <br />excluding established Motorola holidays. <br />"Standard Business Hour" means a sixty (60) minute period of time within a Standard Business <br />Day(s). <br />Exhibit D, ISD M &SA, ind.exhibits Page D - 2 May 2, 2005 <br />Motorola Contract No. 05.17505 <br />