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<br />c. Actions taken to address transitional housinG: CDBG funding was used to <br />provide transitional housing opportunities for 67 Santa Ana homeless individuals. <br />ESG funds provided transitional housing for 330 individuals.1o Regionally, 84 <br />individuals were assisted with HOPWA-funded transitional housing and support <br />services during the 2004-2005 report period, <br /> <br />d. Actions taken to transition homeless into permanent housinG: Providers of <br />transitional housing are the key to preparing the homeless for self-sufficiency <br />and movement into permanent housing. During the report period no CDBG or <br />HOME funds were utilized to specifically provide permanent housing for the <br />homeless; however, HOPWA resources were utilized to assist 57 individuals <br />access and maintain permanent housing with tenant based rental assistance. <br /> <br />e. Actions taken to address the needs of sub-populations, e.a. those livinG on the <br />streets. and new funds such as Continuum of Care Super NOFA: Several <br />homeless programs supported by the City of Santa Ana have an outreach <br />component for special needs homeless sub-populations. These programs <br />provide access to resources by referral and/or direct contact. These programs <br />include: <br /> <br />· Women's Transitional Living Center - focused program efforts on victims of <br />domestic violence, <br /> <br />· WISEPlace - focused on the needs of homeless elderly women. <br /> <br />· Human Options and Interval - homeless women and children that are victims <br />of domestic violence. <br /> <br />· Mental Health Association of Orange County - worked with the City's chronic <br />homeless population, providing services and access to housing from a <br />number of fixed locations throughout the City. <br /> <br />· Orange County Health Care Agency - operated a proactive outreach program <br />to assist homeless persons with HIV/AIDS living on the streets. A portion of <br />this program was funded with HOPW A. <br /> <br />· HOPWA Tenant Based Rental Assistance - Funding to assist individuals <br />living with HIV/AIDS maintain independent living situations. <br /> <br />Santa Ana did not apply for Continuum of Care Super NOFA funds in 2004 or 2005; <br />however, the City did support the NOFA application of three local nonprofits by <br />providing a Certification of Consistency with the City's Consolidated Plan. The City <br /> <br />10 The referenced CDBG and ESG accomplishments do not take into account an overlap of 12 individuals <br />served with both funding sources. - Wise Place received both CDBG and ESG funding ($12,500 and <br />$61,000 respectively) and reported the same annual accomplishment for both grants. <br /> <br />16 <br /> <br />9/7/05 <br /> <br />190-20 <br />