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<br />· Transportation and childcare - by providing alternatives or assistance for <br />transportation and childcare, new employment options may be available to <br />individuals, <br /> <br />· Health education and services to assist persons living in poverty improve their <br />overall personal and family health. <br /> <br />· Youth recreation and diversion services to provide youth living in poverty with <br />alternatives to gang and crime activities. <br /> <br />These programs were not only supported with HUD resources subject to this annual <br />performance report, but also Empowerment Zone and State resources, <br /> <br />9. Monitoring: Santa Ana has established a comprehensive monitoring program for its <br />federally funded programs, <br /> <br />· CDBG - All CDBG funded activities are required to submit quarterly reports to the <br />City, City staff also has an on-site monitoring program to review performance, <br />quality of services, and grant administration compliance of subrecipients. During <br />the report period, additional part-time staff was assigned to assist with this task. <br /> <br />· HOME - A comprehensive HOME project monitoring plan has been developed <br />and implemented by the City. For rental projects, this plan calls for a regular <br />review of project finances, tenant eligibility and housing quality standards. An <br />annual recertification of CHDOs has also been implemented. <br /> <br />· ESG - The same standards and procedures utilized for CDBG funded <br />subrecipients are utilized to monitor agencies funded with ESG. <br /> <br />· HOPW A - A comprehensive report of all activities funded under the HOPW A <br />program is prepared annually and submitted as part of the comprehensive <br />consolidated performance report to HUD. <br /> <br />· Section 8 - The Authority computer system provides the resources to produce a <br />variety of reports including tenant eligibility and lease rates. All units under a <br />Section 8 lease are inspected on an annual basis to ensure HOS compliance. <br />All Section 8 program participants undergo a tenant-eligibility review annually. <br /> <br />F. LEVERAGING RESOURCES <br /> <br />1. "OTHER" PUBLIC AND PRIVATE RESOURCES OBTAINED TO ADDRESS NEEDS IN THE PLAN: <br />During the report period, the City of Santa Ana leveraged federal funds with various <br />private and public resources. These resources included the following: <br /> <br />23 <br /> <br />9/7/05 <br /> <br />190-27 <br />