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<br />required contractors participating in the City's housing rehabilitation loan programs <br />to obtain appropriate lead certifications to ensure they utilized safe work practices <br />and other techniques to minimize exposure to lead paint hazards. (The lack of <br />qualified "lead" contractors has been one of the challenges faced by the City in its <br />effort to implement Title x.) All owner-occupied housing units rehabilitated during <br />the report period, which were constructed prior to 1979, were inspected for lead <br />paint hazards. If the inspection found potential lead-based paint hazards, the <br />subject property was tested - the average cost per test is $450. Program staff <br />estimates that procedures implemented to comply with Title X have added a <br />minimum of 30 days to the typical housing rehabilitation project. <br /> <br />7. ACTIONS TAKEN TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH PROGRAM AND COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING <br />REQUIREMENTS AND MONITORING: HUD has established specific requirements for <br />implementation of the Consolidated Plan. Santa Ana has made every effort to <br />ensure compliance with these comprehensive planning requirements. <br />Requirements include holding public hearings, public comment periods, and <br />ensuring adequate public notification of these and other actions. The City also has <br />made every effort to comply with all regulations for respective programs. As <br />necessary, the assistance of HUD's Los Angeles office has been sought. <br /> <br />8. ACTIONS TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PERSONS LIVING BELOW THE POVERTY LEVEL: Santa <br />Ana's anti-poverty strategy includes the identification of low-income residents <br />needing housing and support service assistance, and coordinating public and <br />private resources to address these needs. Services and activities that were <br />supported by the City during the report period included: <br /> <br />· Affordable housing programs including rehabilitation, rental assistance, and <br />creation of new affordable housing opportunities via acquisition/rehabilitation <br />activities. <br /> <br />· Homeless assistance including prevention activities, emergency shelter, <br />transitional housing, and access to permanent housing opportunities, <br />Appropriate support services were blended with these activities. <br /> <br />· Public safety activities to prevent criminals from victimizing the poor. <br /> <br />· Public facility improvements to improve the overall infrastructure of the City, but <br />more specifically for older and/or lower income neighborhoods. <br /> <br />· Job training, job-search skills and job placement to provide those living in poverty <br />with new employment opportunities that pay higher wages, <br /> <br />· Basic and remedial education (e.g., ESL and GED) that will also allow individuals <br />with lower incomes to compete for better paying employment opportunities. <br /> <br />22 <br /> <br />9/7/05 <br /> <br />190-26 <br />