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<br />were utilized to assist 508 adults, displaced workers, and youth - 41 % of these <br />program participants entered employment. <br /> <br />Since 1993, Santa Ana has been designated as a State Enterprise Zone. The <br />Enterprise Zone is designed to promote business growth and job generation by <br />offering tax credits. Qualified businesses reduce State income taxes by an amount <br />equal to the amount of wages paid to qualified employees. These "hiring credits" <br />are provided to employers who hire low-wage earners, target area residents, laid-off, <br />or long-term unemployed persons. A business may earn up to $27,000 in tax <br />credits per qualified employee. A total of 3,246 persons were assisted through <br />these efforts during the 2004 - 2005 report period. <br /> <br />The City is also a member of the Work/Opportunities/Resources/Knowledge <br />(W/O/R/K) Center. This coalition is comprised of the City, the Workforce Investment <br />Board of Santa Ana, the State Employment Development Department, Santa Ana <br />College, and the Orange County Social Services Agency. This coalition provided <br />free services to individuals seeking job search assistance, on-the-job training, and <br />job skills training. Services include labor market information, resume/application <br />writing assistance, job search workshops, job search assistance, and on-the-job <br />training. Approximately 6,000 Santa Ana residents utilized the W/O/R/K Center <br />during the report period. Finally, the City's Federal Empowerment Zone sponsored <br />activities that created hundreds of new employment opportunities for zone and City <br />residents. Specific information regarding these efforts can be found on HUD's <br />empowerment zone web site. <br /> <br />2. EVALUATION QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: <br /> <br />Cltp of Santa Ana Communltp Vitlon Statement, "The City's purpose is to provide <br />quality service to enhance the safety, livability, and prosperity of the community. To this end, <br />the City will implement programs and adivities aimed at establishing a dynamic urban center <br />acclaimed for its investment in its youth, neighborhoods, cultural diversity, economic climate, <br />and quality government services. 11 <br /> <br />HUD has provided the following questions to assist the City undertake a self-evaluation <br />of its performance during the report period. <br /> <br />a. Are activities and strateqies makinq an impact on identified needs? <br /> <br />Most activities funded with HUD and other public resources made a significant impact <br />during the report period and the five-year timeframe of the 2000-2004 Consolidated <br />Plan. <br /> <br />· Utilization of public funds to expand and preserve the City's affordable housing stock <br />resulted in assistance for 216 housing units during 2004-2005.12 Over a five-year <br /> <br />12 Ninety-five single-family owner occupied and 119 multi-family housing rehabilitation projects were <br />completed during the report period. Additionally, two first time homebuyers were assisted. <br /> <br />26 <br /> <br />9/7/05 <br /> <br />190-30 <br />