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<br />Page 3 of 4 <br /> <br />8. OTHER CITY AGENCY REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />The Concessionaire shall coordinate and complete City Agencies requirements as directed. <br /> <br />The Concessionaire shall complete plan check processes with the City of Santa Ana and other agencies as <br />required. <br /> <br />Concessionaire shall maintain a City business license for the duration of this Agreement <br /> <br />9. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENT <br /> <br />The Concessionaire will be required to stay in the specified license area as directed. The Concessionaire shall <br />provide year, make, model and pictures of vending trucks proposed for use at the DYSC. The City shall have the <br />right to require the Concessionaire to clean, polish, improve the vending trucks as deemed necessary by the <br />Director in order to present to a clean and positive image to the public. <br /> <br />10. MENU PRICING & MARKETING <br /> <br />Concessionaire agrees to submit on a monthly basis to the Director a complete menu with prices. The Director <br />reserves the right to change the menu and/or pricing if deemed necessary. <br /> <br />The Concessionaire agrees to provide the Director with a quarterly marketing plan that details specifically how the <br />Concessionaire intends to maximize sales. <br /> <br />11. SCHEDULING OF WORK <br /> <br />A The Concessionaire coordinate with Parks Staff to provide concession services within the DYSC <br />whenever events are programmed Monday through Sunday. <br /> <br />B. The Concessionaire coordinate with Parks Staff regarding prevent to set up so that vending can begin <br />before the DYSC opens for events. Furthenmore, the Concessionaire agrees that concession vehicle will <br />not be moved until all DYSC event visitors have completely exited the event area (the event area is the <br />license area and those areas directly adjacent to the license area). <br /> <br />C. The Concessionaire agrees to provide an additional concession vehicle at a pre-approved site at synthetic <br />field number 4 whenever events are programmed at this location (said area is listed in Exhibit A). <br /> <br />D. The Director will consider written request from the Concessionaire to vend during non-event hours. <br /> <br />12. WORK FORCE <br /> <br />A Supervision <br /> <br />(1) The Concessionaire's supervisory employees shall possess a Certified Food Handler Certificate <br />and must remain in good standing with the County of Orange Health Department to supervise all <br />work under this agreement The Supervisor shall implement modern management concession <br />procedures and/or practices. <br /> <br />(2) The Concessionaire shall insure that qualified, experienced personnel, directly employed by the <br />Concessionaire, perfonm all work under this agreement <br /> <br />(3) The Concessionaire's employees shall be U.S. Citizens or legal residents and shall provide proof <br />of such prior to this Agreement taking effect New employees must provide proof of citizenship <br />prior to vending pursuant to this Agreement <br />