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<br />Mill <br /> <br />'(s'~ <br /> <br />\.J ........ '-... '-- <br /> <br />N-2001-152 <br /> <br />oelC Fixed-fee Price for Cataloging Quote - <br /> <br />oZ- <br />FY2002 . <br />INSURANCE NOT REQl1lREDfWAIVEO <br />WORK MAY PROCEED <br />CLERK Of COUNCIL <br /> <br />DATE: 'f/ r<J /(/1 <br /> <br />t..16 <br /> <br />NEi.....ORK: <br />SYMBOL: <br />LIBRARY: <br /> <br />010CLC?ACN <br />JRT <br />SAN7A ANA PUB L!SR <br /> <br />FY2002 t1xed-fee prics for cataloging <br />If a.?1'! ica.b!e: <br />FY2001 fixed-fee price for cataloging <br />Positive difference x FV2002 Discount <br />Fixed-1ee d1sccun~ price <br /> <br />$ 2,910.72 L' <br />$ O.CO <br /> O.CO <br />$ 2,910.72 <br />$ 3,027.14 <br /> $ :3,045.84 <br /> <br />riA-- <br /> <br />FY2002 price increase adjus~ment <br />Final FY2002 fixed-Tee price for cataloging <br /> <br />Fixed-fee pertod: Ine FixeC-fee per-iod wi 11 r"'..Jn from July tnrcugn June. If your institution is <br />currently subscribed to Catalogi~9 Fixed-Fee Pricing, your fixed-fee will automatically renew <br />for sUbse~uent years, unless you specifically return a cancellation nottce. ~nis 1s a change <br />from previous years. <br /> <br />Fixed-fee price: The OCLe fixed-fee price fo~ cataloging is calculated using an institution's <br />two-year average of transac~jons for the produCts covered by the fixed-fee. Current year <br />prices (FY2C01) are then applied to th~se transaction averages. (See attached for prOdUCtS <br />covered by the fixed-fee price.) <br /> <br />Fixed-fee discoun~. Second+ Years: OeLC offers tne following incentive for libraries participa- <br />ting in OCLC fixed-fee pricing for cataloging. .,In the second and subsequent years of.par-:.icipa- <br />tien, if the second or subsequent year's fixed-fee calculated price is greater than the previous <br />year's fixed-fee price, OCLC wil I offer a discount, resulting in a Fixed-fee discount price. <br /> <br />FY2002 price increase: The FY2002 <br />FY2002. p~ice increase adjustment. <br />for the five billing product codes <br />fixed-fee price for cataloging. <br /> <br />average'price increase is then appl ied. resulting in the <br />Finally, thts price Is rounded so that monthly bill ing amounts <br />are equal monthly payments, resulting in the Final FY2002 <br /> <br />Billing: The OCLe fixed-fee price for cataloging is billed in 12 equal monthly installments uncer <br />the following five prOduct codes. Five produc~ codes are used to provide proper tax accounting. <br />Any associated tax will be billed separately, Although five product c~des are used. the total <br />of these product codes is considered the fixed-fee. An institu~lon cannOt enocse to selee~ively <br />subsc~1ce to parts of this fixed-fee. Transaction activity for procuct codes covered ey the <br />fixed-fee are listed on the mOnthly insti~uticn detail. and are zero billed. <br /> <br />F!X 1002 C.\T F!XEO-F=: QNL!NE $ 2. 576 ."0 , 21a..70 /mo <br />F!X1CQ7 C~ T FrXED-i=':::: ::JFFL!.\lE , a.9S 56 S " \ 28 /mo <br />FrX1010 C.l.T FrX.:O-F:= OTi-f:::.~ , 0 .CO S O.CO Ice <br />F:X 10:2 C':'T FrXEJ F::E C.~:::J rTS S 0 .:::0 s 0 .CO /mo <br />.=rX 1013 C;T .= rXEO -- OF ,=5E7 CREQ ( S 27 12 ) (, 2 2'5) 1'":'.0 <br /> iCT':'L , 3,0.::.S .34 , 2SJ .32 /,~O <br /> <br />Ordering: For 1 j~rarjes c~rren:!y not on fixec-fe~ =rjcl~g. c=~=lete a~=er f=r~ C~TF!XCC0201 a: <br />ht:=:II~~_2=c!=.or=/=clc!~=flf=r~s/cat~:x,ocf, <br /> <br />Canceling: .=or cwr:"''E!n: SU::lsc,-~=ers t:"'1a: '..Jisn :::1 c:ancel, co::::1.;!:; ::1'"':= ca.-;cella:lcn ,::a,t~=:!r, of <br />the rene~al nO,lee, <br />Return cr::::ers anc ca.""lC21 lations to '/CI..:; CC:"C~aff:Jiat2::: regTc.""la~ ,~e:'..or'..:, sar'/l:::= ce,'1ter, or <br />OC:": Jist,-i::::w::::,- ::: .o:=:!,-'..I2r::! :::: ec:..: cy :lC01 June is. :,-:C<2-::-=:-,::2-;: ';""s::t'~::=,~s s.-c'...;!::.-et'..;:-r <br /> <br />t;':ese t:: <br /> <br />:.-~ _ ~.":= :..:,:=i-:~e...-t~t.=r S=-=,::a~ is: <br /> <br />~- :C:..= <br /> <br />,=?en€!w' j r:g: <br /> <br />. - - -, --':>-.. <br />- -- -'. <br /> <br />.~~~--~~ =~=SC,'::2:3 <br /> <br />---- ..' <br /> <br />",. - -- '" - <br />-~'-'---- <br /> <br />'" c:~ <br /> <br />c(~=-=~-2 - <br /> <br />_2: ~. _ _ <br /> <br />'" - ~'-= <br />