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<br />OCLC FIXED-FEE PRICING FOR CATALOGING OPTION TC:",,1S AND CONDITIONS <br /> <br />The terrT.S and ccncitians sec rorl:n r.erein ("Agreemenn ceseriae the respective r8SaCnS!s::: <br />Library Cancer, Incorporated ("OCLe"), the OCLe.affiliatea regional network ("i'\letwory.' <br />(WCrder Form'~). if any, and the institution identified on the franc of this Order Form ("11":$ <br />{"C(ce(~} af the CC:"'C fixed.tee pricing for cataloging option (as defined below). <br /> <br />:~s and cuties or OCLe Online Ccmouter <br />::n(ifiec on me fronc of this creer form <br />"In'') .....ith respect to Institudon's crder <br /> <br />1. OeLe Fixed-Fee Pricing For Cataloging. <br /> <br />"OCLe fixed.fee pricing for cataloging" means a pricing <br />cpticn made generally available sclely to all OeLe <br />cataloging, full General Members (as that term is defined anc <br />cescnbed in OeLe's Code 0; Regulations) that permits each <br />such General Member to obtain access to OeLe's cataloging <br />system. and various products and services. on an annual <br />fixed.tee basis, ratl1er than on the traditional per-transaction <br />basis. For purposes of ttJis Agreement. this annual fixed-fee <br />access option shan be referred to as the "Fixed-Fee Pricing" <br />and the annual price for this Fixed-Fee Pricing shail be " . <br />- .\:'. <br />referred to as ct1e "Fixed-Fee". <br /> <br />Institution's Fixed-Fee will be determined annuaily by Oele <br />and Network. and will be based on Institution's specific OeLC <br />usage history. The Fixed-Fee will apply only to activity under <br />specified applicable OGLG product codes, as. established by <br />OeLC; tt.ese product codes will be providedlo Institution by <br />OeLe and/or Network as a part of the annual custom <br />quotation of the Fixed-Fee. Additional restrictions as may be <br />established by OeLe and Network from time-to-time may <br />also apply, ar.d will similarly be provided to Institution with <br />InstiW]~n:s. CL1to.m quoted Fixed-Fee.' Uuring'.the Initial Term',.', . <br />of this Agreement and' any renewals hereor, Institution will be <br />billed on a mcn<hiy basis as provided in Section 2.8.11., below. <br />and will not be blUed on a transacti~n basis for activity under <br />the applicable product coces. <br /> <br />2. Terms lor OCLC Fixed-Fee Pricing lor Cataloging. <br /> <br />A. General. Except as othelVlise proviced and set forth in <br />this Agreement. Institution's access to and use of OeLe's <br />online cataloging system. products and services on a Fixed. <br />Fee Pricing basis shall be govemed by and subject to the <br />terms. conditions, and restrictions set (0r"J'l in Institution's <br />agreement(s) with OeLe andlar Institution's regional Network <br />for::he use of such system. products and services on a per. <br />transaction basis (hereinafter collectively referred to as tl1e <br />"Member' Agreement"). <br /> <br />8. Specilic Additional Terms. In addition to the terms set <br />forth in the Member Agreement. l~e following additional <br />terms. ccnditions, and restrictions shall apply to Institution's <br />Fixed-Fee Pricing for cataloging; in the event of a conflict <br />bet'ween these additional terms. conditions. and restrictions <br />and the 1\o1ember Agreement with regard to Institution's Fixed. <br />Fee Pricing for cataloging, ttle following terms. conditions and. <br />res~ricticns shaH take preceder.ce: <br /> <br />L Term. a. The Fixed-Fee is de~ermined by oCLC and <br />Net'/lork en an annual basis as stated in Sec:ion 1. of this <br />Agreemen[. and the initial Fixed~Fee Pricing term (the <br />"Initial Term") shall be one (1) year and shall commence <br />on July 1 af the ca!encar 'Iear in whicr. lnstit~t.ion's Order <br />is received if Instin.Jtion's orcer is received by Network (cr, <br />it'Jtien does not have a regional Net'.....orK. OCLe) no <br />later man thirty (3D) days I=ricr to that commencemenc <br />date (L.'nless otherwise agreed by the parjes). The Fixed- <br />Fee Pricing .....i!! te.-minate en June ~O of the following <br />calendar year. however. a~reement sr:all <br />a'.Jrc~a:icsii'( rerew fer acciticraJ ene (1) year terms l.Jnbl <br />ant t.,;r;i~ss car:ca!laa '::/ ~r,s:l~~~icn as c,~'/icec in 0.. <br />:e!c','.. <br /> <br />b. No later than six,,! ('':':: days prier to the end of the Ir.itiel <br />Term or any subseque::: one (1) year ~errn, OCLe 81d Network <br />wiil. as long as Fixec:.F,..: Pricing is generally offered by OCLe. <br />provide to Instituticn 2. .:'~3tcm quo radon of Institution's Fixed~ <br />Fee ror that additionai : :orm at thac time. If Institution wishes to <br />cancel its Fixed~Fee F<cing, it may do so by providing nodce to <br />OeLe or Network no .ater than June 1 cl the calendar year in <br />which the renewal .....ould ccmmence. and OCLG and Network's <br />Fixed-Fee offer to Institution wiil correspondingly expire attar <br />that date, <br /> <br />c;. AU Fixed-Fee Pricing terms, and custom quoted Fixed-Fees, <br />are for a period of July 1 through June 30 01 the follcwing year. <br />unless otherwise provided by OeLe and Network. Mid-year <br />Orders may be accepted at OCLC's sole discretion, and the <br />Fixed-Fee may be pro-rated for &lis purpose, At any time <br />during the Initial Term (or any subsequent term) at this <br />Agreement, Institution may opt to terminate itS Fixed-Fee <br />Pricing, and revert to transaction.based pricing, up en thirty (30) <br />days prior written notice to OCLe and Network, if any; <br />however, following any such termination and transition to <br />transaction-based pricing, Institution shall not be eligible to <br />". ,,-,eturn to Fixed-f:ee P;icing for a periocj of on~ (1) year following <br />.'the end of the.term'during wnich such't~tri1ii1atiori and :, <br />transition to transaction-based pric:ng occurred. Similarly, if <br />Institution opts to cancel its Fixed.Fee Pricing at the end of the <br />Initial Term (or any subsequent term), Instituticn shall not be <br />eligibie to retum to Fixed-Fee Pricir.g for a period 01 ene (1) <br />year following the el1ective date of any such cancellaticn. <br /> <br />Example: Institution places its Order (or its Fixed.Fee Pricing <br />for the period 01 July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998: however. <br />Institution opts to terminate its Fixed-Fee Pricing effective <br />November 30, 1997, by providing notice to OeLe and Network <br />no later than October 30,1997. Institution will thereafter be <br />ineligible for Fixed-Fee Pricing for cataloging untii one (1) year <br />atter the end or the term during which its termination took <br />effect. Therefore, Institution would be ineligible to return to <br />Fixed-Fee Pricing until one (1) year after June 30, 1998, and <br />could not return to Fixed.Fee Pricing until the term of July 1, <br />1999 through June 30, 2000. <br /> <br />it Payment. In consideration of Institution's use or the OCLe <br />online cataloging system. products and services specified on <br />~~WOrder~Ri~ (a~d, a~y attacbmen~ he~eto). 1l1stitt.:tian <br />agrees to pay Network (or oele eirecU'y, It Institution does nct <br />have an OGLe-affiliated regionaJ Network) ttte annual Fixed~ <br />Fee for unlimited use of such sys[-::m, prcduc~, and_ services. <br />payable ror each annual term in 1;\~..:I'Ie (12) eqL:al monthly <br />payments. The monthly payment ',',il be invoiced. and p2.ymer:~ <br />thereof due. as per the Member Agtsement. Access to and <br />use of products and ser.ices other :.-':n i.t'.ose specified in this <br />Order Form (or any attachments he _c:~) will be suciect to the <br />price and payment terms and cenci:'..:-:s set forth in to",e <br />,....lember Agreement (cr such other a..;:eements as tr,e parJes <br />may enter into ricm time to time for s-..:ch products anc <br />ser.Jices). Taxes applkacle to tl"ie t;2.:1sacticns ccnrem~lat2d <br />by this Agreement. if any, shall be the responsibility cf <br />Institution. As s.aced acave, tr.e Fixed-Fee is sut:iec~ ~o <br />increase by OCLG and ;\!e,:worx. rc:' each suasecuent isr.ewc.1 <br />tarm following U",e lnitis.! Term, <br />