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Core Course #6 Constructing a Behavioral Guidancr. Systrm: Developing Needed Life Skills <br />changing attitudes and behaviors toward friends and family) These units are designed to strengthen <br />the artici ants' decision-makin skills. <br />Course Objectives -After completing this session, each participant will be able to: discuss how <br />decision-making relates to a behavioral guidance system; define the concept ofdecision-making; <br />explain why anon-decision is a decision; discuss decision-making through default; compare and <br />contrast high-involvement and low-involvement decision-making; and outline and discuss each step in <br />the decision-makin rocess. <br />Course Activities -After establishing where decision-making skills fit into the larger program, the <br />counselor will cover each area in the objectives through a lecture. First, however, a guided discussion <br />about the youth's decision-making process is held. As a final activity, alternative scenarios that <br />require decision-making are created. Each participant is required to go through each step that they <br />used in order to make the decision. <br />Core Course #7: 1 Need a Job! Analyzing your Marketing Offering and Job Preparation - <br />Course Description -This course is designed to teach the youth techniques that can support them in <br />fndin em to ment in s ite of the existence of described barriers.. <br />Course Objectives -During this session, each participant will learn topics such as: Filling out an <br />Application; the Tough Interview; Skills Employers Want; Types of Resumes; Resume Writing <br />Tips; Job Search Plan; What an Interview is; Three Types of Interviews; the Seven Phases of <br />an Interview; How People Find Jobs; Using the OOH and/or 0*Net; Identifying Your Skills; <br />Tips for Moving UP; Why People Get Fired; and others. Upon completion of the course, <br />artici ants will be able to demonstrate knowled e of all sub'ect matter and be em to able. <br />Course Activities - A number of activities are used to support this course. These include role-playing <br />interviews and initial contact telephone calls; employers will be invited to speak regarding what they <br />look for in an applicant. Occupation skill-testing will be conducted. Youth will also spend time <br />reviewing and discussing job opportunities identifed through newspapers. Participants will also <br />complete a newspaper and electronic search for employment opportunities. Finally, each participant <br />will go on a job interview or "mock" interview and share the experience with the group. Youth will also <br />re ort on their trainin ro rams. <br />Core ~ ~:F n8 (7rm~; V~o1 ~ ,-.e <br />Course Description - In this course, we explore the identification of types of anger, anger management <br />and domestic violence. <br />Course Objectives -The objective of this unit is to identify the signs of the onset of anger. Potentially <br />volatile situations can be avoided b identification and behavior modification. <br />Course Activities -Participants will identify situations that may lead to angry confrontation. They will <br />answer questions to identify when angry feelings are most likely to occur. Participants will also be <br />asked to "draw" what they think anger looks like. In addition to identifying types of anger, the youth will <br />also learn to identify the "signs" of anger and what they can do to defuse such situations through role- <br />la in and other activities. <br />Core Course #9: The Abyss ofAddiction -1 am a Drug User, but the Ball is in MY Court <br />Course Description -This is the course in which substance abuse counselors literally begin the drug <br />treatment component in substance abuse programs. Before the youth can begin to "grow" toward <br />recovery, hislherioter-psychic attitudes about chemical use must be extricated. The youth must <br />za <br />