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Core Course #3: Interpersonal Skills: Improvin Family Skills <br />Course Objectives -After completing this session, each participant will be able to: define family and <br />describe the historic role that the family has played in their culture; family as a source of socialization <br />and acculturation, companionship, role modeling, genetic predisposition, social support system, and <br />as a source of material and economic support. Participants will be able to identify the pattems of <br />social interaction that prevail in their family; specific enabling behavioral patterns that exist in their <br />individual families; and list how future social interactions with individual families can be au mented. <br />Course Activities -Counselors will invite speakers who cover a large body of research-based <br />conceptual information about family and culture. After the lecture, the forum will be subdivided into <br />participants who are in the same MentodMentee groups and their family members for the initial <br />discussions. These sessions will primarily involve reminiscence about happy family times. During the <br />individualized family treatment sessions, critical family issues will be discussed. These will allow the <br />counselor to create an emotional, yet fact-based, experience that assists the re-knitting process and <br />leads to the ermanent ado tion of coo eration and accommodation within the Tamil unit. <br />Core Course #4. Uncovering My History, Uncovering Myself: Heritage, Cultural Diversity and <br />Conflict Resolution <br />Course Description -This module is designed to begin uncovering the external forces that adversely <br />affect the participants and to allow them to better understand the rocky road trod and the nature of the <br />moccasins womb each PueRZas UNIDAS artici ant. <br />Course 06jectives -After completing this session, each participant will be able to: describe how their <br />racelethnicity affects their self-concept; outline how they feel others respond to them because of their <br />ethnic heritage; list, discuss an summarize the lives often ethnic role models who overcame ethnic <br />barriers and accomplished their life goals; and other social interactions with individual families can be <br />au mented. <br />Course Activities- It is important to use this session to allow the participants to articulatie their feelings <br />because as they discuss their thoughts with the group, they will gain insight into themselves and how <br />they perceive themselves as fitting into the broader society. Activities include role-playing in which the <br />outh switch ethnicit with others so that the can erceive themselves throw h others' a es. <br />Core Course #5'. Saying Nn! to Gangs. y~~oldh~g Gang involvement <br />Course Description -For some of the youth in the program, the primary social support group may be a <br />gang. This course is designed to support them in the process of extricating themselves from their <br />an affiliations so that the can enter into the labor market. <br />Course Objectives -After completing this session, each participant will be able to: describe the history <br />and growth of "gangs' within the United States; outline barriers encountered in separating themselves <br />from their gang affiliations; identify other support needed to "Say NG to Gangs;" and assess the costs <br />and benefits of continued affiliation with an s. <br />Course Activities - Activities include a presentation by a member of the criminal justice system who <br />has specialized expertise with gangs; a group discussion regarding problems associated with leaving <br />gangs; individual counseling regarding gang affiliations; and a strategizing session with the youth and <br />their famil re ardin the issues covered.. <br />Core Course #5: Constructing a Behavioral ,uidance System: Developing Needed Life Skills <br />Course Description -This course is designed to introduce the participants to choice behavior and assist <br />them in constructing their own behavioral guidance system (including decision-making regarding <br />resistin com ulsion, remainin distant from friends and eers who continue criminal behavior, and <br />23 <br />