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the preceding month, except that no more than 90 percent of the total project price <br />shall be paid until the work is considered by the City to be 100 percent complete. <br />21. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS <br />A. With respect to performance of work for this project, the Consultant shall maintain <br />and shall require its subconsultants, if any, to maintain insurance as described <br />below: <br />1. Workers' compensation insurance with statutory limits. <br />2. Commercial general liability insurance, or equivalent form, with a combined <br />single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. If such insurance <br />contains a general aggregate limit, such limit shall apply separately to each <br />project Consultant performs for City. Such insurance shall (a) name the City <br />of Santa Ana and its officers and employees as additional insureds; and (b) <br />be primary with respect to insurance or self-insurance programs maintained <br />by the City, and (c) contain standard separation of insureds provisions. <br />3. Professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance, with a combined single <br />limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. <br />4. Business automobile liability insurance, or equivalent form, with a combined <br />single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall <br />include coverage for owned, hired, and non -owned automobiles. <br />B. Consultant shall: <br />1. Furnish properly executed certificates of insurance to the Director prior to <br />commencement of work under this Agreement, which certificates shall clearly <br />evidence all coverages required above and provide such insurance shall not <br />be materially changed or terminated except on 30 days' prior written notice to <br />the Agency; <br />2. Maintain such insurance from the time work first commences until completion <br />of the work; and <br />3. Replace such certificates for policies expiring prior to completion of work <br />under this project. <br />The Executive Director of Public Works (Director) may waive or reduce the <br />requirements of this section if and to the extent the Director determines them to be <br />unreasonably burdensome to the Consultant and not necessary for the protection of <br />the City. <br />A sample certificate of insurance and "Additional Insured Endorsement" form are <br />enclosed for your reference and use (Attachment C). The appropriate endorsements <br />are also shown within the sample consultant agreement (Attachment D). The <br />certificate shall include the City of Santa Ana, its officers, employees, agents, <br />volunteers, and representatives as insured or additional insured. The certificate shall <br />