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Pre -contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by the offeror in: (a) <br />preparing the proposal in response to this RFP; (b) submitting that proposal to the <br />City; (c) negotiating with the City in any matter related to this proposal; and (d) any <br />other expenses incurred by offeror prior to date of award, if any, of the contract. <br />Offeror shall not include any such expenses as part of the price as proposed in <br />response to this RFP. <br />17. ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT <br />The contents of the proposal of each of the successful Consultants shall become <br />contractual obligations if a contract ensues. Failure of a Consultant to accept this <br />obligation will result in the cancellation of any award. Any damage accruing to the <br />City as a result of a failure to contract may be recovered from the Consultant. A <br />sample agreement is attached for reference (Attachment D). <br />18. DISCLOSURE <br />Any information, other than cost and price, which a Consultant does not wish to <br />have disclosed, other than for the purpose of evaluation, should have each <br />applicable sheet or part marked: <br />Confidential — this data shall not be disclosed or duplicated, used or <br />disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate the <br />response; provided that: the contract is awarded to this offeror, or as a <br />result of or in connection with the submission of such information, the City <br />shall have the right to duplicate, use or disclose this information to the <br />extent provided in this contract. This restriction will not limit the City the right <br />to use information contained herein if it is obtained from another source. <br />19. DELAYS <br />The City reserves the right to delay scheduled dates if it is to the advantage of the <br />City. <br />20. METHOD OF PAYMENT <br />The Consultants will be paid in accordance with the Cost Reimbursement Method, <br />described in Section 6.9.3, Compensation Methods, of the California Office of Traffic <br />Safety Grant Program Manual, Volume 11 (see Attachment H). By this method, the <br />Consultant is reimbursed for actual costs only, not to exceed an agreed upon <br />amount. <br />The Consultant shall submit a monthly invoice to the City for the service rendered in <br />that month. The invoice shall include project title and limits, a detailed breakdown of <br />the services, the tasks, the hours, and the unit costs or the hourly rates, and <br />percentage completed. Monthly payments will be made for work completed during <br />