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Proposal to Prepare an EIR and Provide Planning Consulting Services for the <br />First and Fourth Street Corridors Mixed -Use Overlay Zone <br />determination of impacts will be based on thresholds of significance developed in accordance with <br />CEQA requirements, the City's environmental guidelines and requirements, and other recently <br />approved environmental documents. Each significant impactwill be numbered, and the corresponding <br />mitigation measures will be correlated. The effectiveness and feasibility of mitigation measures will be <br />discussed, and the level of significance after mitigation will be identified. <br />Subtask 3a: Develop Framework for the Administrative Draft EIR <br />The EIP team will prepare the Administrative Draft EIR to include the following sections: <br />■ Table of Contents <br />■ Summary of impacts and mitigation measures <br />■ Project description (project objectives, project location, project characteristics, scope of project, <br />required approvals, and list of cumulative projects) <br />■ Environmental Analysis <br />- Environmental setting <br />- Regulatory framework (applicable federal, state, and local plans, policies, and standards) <br />- Environmental impacts (short-term, long-term, direct, and indirect impacts, as well as <br />cumulative impacts) <br />- Mitigation measures (for potentially significant environmental issues) <br />■ Project Alternatives <br />■ Long -Term Implications (including growth -inducing, significant unavoidable, and significant <br />irreversible environmental impacts) <br />■ Organizations and persons consulted/List of EIR preparers <br />■ References <br />■ Technical appendices (including the IS/NOP, comments received on the IS/NOP, all technical <br />studies [i.e., Traffic Report and Historical Analysis], and detailed data) <br />The list of key environmental issue areas outlined below is based on EIP's general knowledge about <br />the project area and our understanding of the project. As previously mentioned, it is our intention to <br />prepare a comprehensive Initial Study in order to focus the analysis in the EIR. While the analysis has <br />not yet been conducted, and we do not yet know with certainty which issue areas can also be <br />eliminated from further consideration in the EIR, it is our assumption that the EIR will focus on <br />aesthetics, air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards and <br />hazardous materials, land use/planning, noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, <br />transportation and circulation, and utilities and service systems. <br />Subtask 3b: Technical Analysis <br />Throughout this scope of work, the term project site is used to refer to the entire 200 -acre proposed <br />mixed-use overlay zone. References to the Arnell/Shea and Capital Pacific/Makar sites refer to only <br />those project -specific components of the proposed project. <br />Aesthetics and Shade/Shadow <br />The mixed-use overlay zone would convert the designated land use of a large area of the City from <br />office, commercial, industrial, and residential (and public uses) to mixed-use development. Therefore, <br />the visual character of the project site could change due to the development of a different type of land <br />