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Proposal to Prepare an EIR and Provide Planning Consulting Services for the <br />First and Fourth Street Corridors Mixed -Use Overlay Zone <br />The potential of the project to violate water quality standards or waste discharge requirements for <br />receiving waters will be analyzed. <br />The EIR will consider whether the project would result in an increase in any pollutant for which a water <br />body is impaired as identified on the CWA Section 303(d) list; cause a rate of flow that exceeds any <br />downstream facility's capacity; or result in runoff that exceeds the pre -developed condition. <br />Land Use/Planning. <br />The Land Use section of the EIR will describe the compatibility of the proposed land uses with the <br />surrounding area and will address potential inconsistencies with adopted plans and policies, including <br />the City's General Plan. The mixed-use overlay zone would expand the permitted uses of a large area <br />of the City from office and commercial (and public uses) to mixed-use development (including <br />residential). The EIR will describe the general plan amendment and zone change associated with the <br />project. The EIR will describe the existing land uses, intensities, and patterns in the vicinity of the <br />project site. Current General Plan designations and zoning forthe project site and surrounding area will <br />be identified. <br />The EIR will identify and summarize applicable City land use plans and policies. The EIR will evaluate <br />any potential conflicts between project development and surrounding uses. These conflicts could <br />include a use that would create a nuisance for adjacent properties or result in incompatibility with <br />surrounding land uses such as difference in the physical scale of development, noise levels, traffic <br />levels, or hours of operation. The EIR will evaluate the extent to which adopted City development <br />standards would eliminate or minimize potential conflicts between internal and adjacent uses. <br />The EIR will analyze the proposed project's consistency with the direction and policies of the City's <br />General Plan as they relate to land use patterns and new development. <br />Noise <br />Program Analvsis <br />The noise analysis will address the impacts of the project on background noise levels and the <br />population's exposure to physically or psychologically damaging noise levels. The noise analysis will be <br />based upon approximations of noise levels and associated changes in the ambient noise level that are <br />likely to occur based on implementation of the proposed project. <br />The environmental setting discussion will briefly summarize the nature of sound and vibration and will <br />introduce acoustical terms that relate to the subsequent analysis. It will also describe the existing noise <br />(and vibration) environment in the vicinity of the project. This description will include noise (and <br />vibration) sources, such as motor vehicle traffic, as well as the identification of potentially vulnerable <br />existing noise- and vibration -sensitive land uses, such as residential uses. To facilitate this description, <br />existing ambient daytime noise levels will be measured at five selected locations within and around the <br />proposed project site to establish current baseline noise levels. These locations will be identified on a <br />map. The daytime noise levels would be measured using a Larson -Davis Model 814 precision sound <br />level meter, which satisfies the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) for general environmental <br />noise measurement instrumentation. Noise would be characterized in the following terms: <br />■ Leq, the equivalent energy noise level, is the average acoustic energy content of noise for a <br />stated period of time; for evaluating community impacts, this rating scale does not vary, <br />regardless of whether the noise occurs during the day or the night <br />■ Lm;n, the minimum instantaneous noise Iewl experienced during a given period of time <br />• Lmax, the maximum instantaneous noise level experienced during a given period of time <br />