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Jim Cast, 2525 N. Pacific, expressed the opinion that the City seems to be ignoring the <br />ballot results regarding neighborhood traffic protection plans in the establishment of City <br />speed limits (Item 21.D) and cited a lack of accessibility to the Environmental and <br />Transportation Advisory Committee meetings. <br /> <br />Suszan Ales, 2138 N. Candis, inquired as to the period that neighborhood ballot results <br />regarding traffic plans were effective. The Mayor indicated the City had no policy on the <br />matter. Ms. Ales expressed a need for such a policy. <br /> <br />Dolores DeRosa-Otting, 2130 Canyon Drive, Costa Mesa, repeated concerns she had <br />expressed at the last Council meeting concerning overcharges by Waste Management, Inc. to <br />the City for trash collection and urged the City to consider an open-bid process for the City's <br />trash contract. The City Attorney indicated that the City was currently negotiating a new <br />trash contract with Great Western and that the option of competitive bidding would be <br />considered should those negotiations fail. <br /> <br />Councilmember Norton requested the City Attorney provide him with a copy of the City's <br />current contract with Waste Management, Inc. <br /> <br />Miles Leach, 2025 W. Tenth Street, noted what he considered to be inconsistencies in the <br />City's procedures citing in particular that voting was permitted on a household instead of an <br />individual basis in the determination of neighborhood traffic protection plans; that <br />neighborhoods exercised power over the City Council but ward elections were not permitted; <br />and that Washington Street was designated as both an arterial and a collector street. <br /> <br />Margaret Farris reported continued personal harassment and threats to her life. <br /> <br />90.C. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />In response to Councilmember Norton's inquiry, the City Attorney indicated the City's "no <br />camping" ordinance, if adopted, would be effective in September. <br /> <br />Councilmember Acosta suggested that Project PRIDE provide long-term programs in addition <br />to summer programs. In response to Acosta's inquiry, the Clerk of the Council indicated <br />City ward maps would be provided to the Council at its next Council meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember McGuigan noted that three Santa Ana residents would be competing in the <br />National Jesse Owens Track and Field Competition. McGuigan also advised the listening <br />audience that next Monday was "Santa Ana Day" at the Orange County Fair and encouraged <br />everyone to attend the Fair and visit the Waste Management Commission booth for <br />information regarding recycling. She reported she had been favorably impressed by <br />Kindervision, a firm which videotapes and fingerprints children to assist with their recovery <br />in the event they become lost, and requested the Police Chief investigate. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 221 JULY 6, L992 <br /> <br /> <br />