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<br />Network Services Terms & Conditions North America (Ver. Apr. 05) <br />Confidential <br /> <br />cog C~MDCAtNS <br /> <br />Optical Internet <br /> <br />cc: Cogent Communications, Inc. 2004 <br /> <br />NETWORK SERVICES <br />TERMS & CONDITIONS <br />NORTH AMERICA <br /> <br />I. SERVICESA~uT.:RM. <br />1.1. Pursuant to the CSA, Cogent will provide the Services to Customer <br />for the Service charges. Customer's signature on the Order Form or use <br />of the Service or COGENT Network constitutes its acknowledgement <br />and agreement to be bound by the CSA. Capitalized terms are defined at <br />the end ofthese Terms. <br />1.2. Each Service's Initial Term is indicated on the applicable Order <br />Form. Customer will be deemed to have accepted the Service as of <br />the Service Date. At the end of the Initial Term, the CSA will renew <br />for successive Renewal Terms equal in length to the Initial Term <br />unless and until terminated as provided herein. <br />1.3. Customer may order additional Services or locations in North <br />America through additional Order Forms, which will be governed by <br />this CSA. Customer's account must be current in order to make <br />changes to Services or order additionlll Services. <br />2. SERVICE CIIARGt:S A~U BILLI~G. <br />2.1. Service charges are on the Order Form and do not include <br />applicable Taxes unless so indicated. I\ew servICes or <br />upgrades/relocations will result in additional fees/charges. If a prior <br />Service location remains installed after II new Service location is <br />installed, Customer will be responsible for Service charges for both <br />Service locations umiltemlinated as provided for ellch Service. <br />2.2. Invoices are sent monthly in lldvance. Customer agrees to pay all <br />charges and applicable Taxes for the Service upon receipt of the <br />invoice without counterclaim, set-off or deduction. ^ late charge shall <br />be added to Customer's past due balance of the lesser of 1.5% per <br />month or the maximum legal rate. COGEI\T may change the <br />specifications, Terms or charges for the Service for llny Renewal Tenn <br />by providing Customer at least sixty (60) days advllnce notice. <br />Customer agrees that its obligation to pay service charges and Taxes <br />under this Agreement shall survive the termination of the CSA. <br />2.3. Customer's claiming tax exemption must provide COGENT with <br />a properly executed exemption form. <br />3. SERVin: USt; A:"I> l:"n;RRlIPT10,>;. <br />3.1. Customer's use of COGENT's Services or Network may only be <br />for lawful purposes and must comply with COGENT's AUP. <br />Transmission of any material in violation of any law, regulation or the <br />AUP is strictly prohibited. Access to other networks connected to <br />COGENT's Network must comply with such other networks' rules. <br />Resale of COGENT's Internet Access Service is allowed by Type I <br />customers paying COGENT's Carrier/Service Provider rates and by <br />all Type 11 customers (i.e" T-l, T-3). All other customers must pay <br />COGENT's Carrier/Service Provider rates to resell such Service <br />3.2. COGENT's obligations and Customer's exclusive remedies for <br />failure of COGEl'\T's Network or any Service are stated in tIle <br />COGENT SLA. <br />4. TERMI:"A TIO:'<l. RESTRICTlO:-.l OR SUSPE:"SIO'll. <br />4.1. Prior to the Service Date, COGEl'\T may terminate the CSA if <br />not approved by COGENT corporate management (including credit <br />check). COGENT lllso may restrict suspend or terminllte the CSA, <br />Customer's use of or access to any Service, or both, at any time if <br />(a) Customer is in materitll breach of the CSA (including but not <br />limited to the AUP) and, in COGENT's sole judgment, an immediate <br />restriction or suspension is necessary to protect the COGENT <br />Network or COGENT's ability to provide services to other customers; <br />or (b) Customer's account is unpllid sixty (60) days after dllte of <br />invoice; or (c) COGENT facilities at Customer's loclllion are <br />ullllvailable, (i,e., no connectivity and building access). <br /> <br />4.2. Either Party may terminate the CSA: (a) at the end of an Initial <br />Tenn or Rene\val Term by providing the other Party with at least <br />thirty (30) days written notice (notices provided during a monthly <br />Renewal Tenn will not be effective until the end of the next month <br />(i.e" notice received April 20th is eft"ective June 1st); or (b) except as <br />otherwise stated herein, during llll Initial Teml or Renewlll Term if the <br />other Party breaches any material term or condition of this CSA and <br />fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) after receipt of written <br />notice of the same. <br /> <br />4.3. If the Service is terminated prior to the Service Date, Customer <br />shall pay COGENT for all Initial Costs for Customer's Service order. <br />If the Service is terminated after the Service Date, Customer shall pay <br />COGENT (a) for the Service up through the date of termination; and <br />(11) except in the case of termination by Customer as provided in <br />Section 4.2 above, or by COGEI\T due to loss of connectivity or <br />building access at Customer's building(s) under Section 4.l(c) above, <br />the Initial Costs (unless already paid) and the Termination Charge. <br />Customer acknowledges that because actual damages to COGENT <br />caused by early termination of a Service order are uncel111in and would <br />be difficult to determine, the Termination Charge is a reasonable <br />liquidated damage and is not a penalty. Any reconnect ions of the <br />Service shall result in lldditional reconnect ion charges to Customer at <br />COGEI\T's then-prevailing rates. <br /> <br />4.4. If Customer defaults in any of its payment obligations under the <br />CSA, Customer agrees to pay COGENT's reasonable expenses. <br />including but not limited to legal and collection agency fees, incurred <br />by COGENT in enforcing its rights. All termination notices by <br />Customer must be sent separately for each Service (including <br />terminating one Service location after a Service is switched to a new <br />Service location) and must be sent to terms( <br /> <br />5, DISCI.AIMER OF WARKA:-.lTY A:-.lD L1MITATIO:-.l OF LIABILITY. <br /> <br />5.1. EXCEPT AS OTHER\VISE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH HEREIN, THE <br />SERVICES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS," A~D NEITHER COGENT NOR ANY 01' <br />ITS PROVIDERS, LICENSORS, OFfICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS <br />MAKES ANY WARRA'l/TY, CO'l/DlTlON OR GUARANTEE WITH RESPECT <br />TO THE SERVICES OR AS TO THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAI'l/ED FROM THE <br />lISE OF THE SERVICES, UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE. rilE <br />SERVICES ARf: I'lIRCHASED WITH K'l/OWLEDGE Of THIS WARRANTY <br />L1MITATIOl'<. COGE~T EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER <br />Wi\RRANTIES, COJ\DITIONS OR GUARANTEES OF A'l/Y KIND, EITHER <br />EXI'RESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDI'I/(j, BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY <br />WARRAJ\TIES OR CONDITIO'l/S OF MERCHAl\TABILITY, NO)\;- <br />l'l/fRINGEME~T, SATISfACTORY Ql;AI.ITY, AJ\D/OR HIJ\f'SS FOR A <br />PARTICULAR PURPOSE. COGE~T DOES NOT MOJ\JTOR, AND DISCLAIMS <br />ALL LIABILITY ^~D RESPO'l/SIBILITY FOR. THE CONTENT OF ANY <br />COMJ\.lUJ';ICATION TRA~SMITTED BY CL'STOMER OR OTHERS, AND <br />DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY AJ\D RESPONSIBILITY FOR U~AUTHORIZED <br />USE OR MISUSE OF THE SERVICES. <br /> <br />5.2. WITHOUT I'REJUDICE TO OR L1MITI'l/G OF COGENT'S RIGHT TO <br />RECEIVE PAYMfNT fOR SFRVICfS. COGEJ\T'S EJ\TIRE L1AllILlTY FOR <br />ALL CLAIMS OF WHATEVER NATURE (IJ\CIUDING CLAIMS BASED ON <br />J\EGLlGENCE) ARISI'l/G OUT OF THIS AGREEMEJ\T AND AU. OTHERS <br />BETWEEN CTSTOMER AND COGEJ\T, AJ\D THE PROVISION BY COGENT <br />OF FACilITIES, TRANSMISSIOJ\., DATA, SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT <br />INCLUDING, BUT NOT UMITED TO, DAMAGE ro RI,AI./I'ERSONAI <br />PROPERTY, SHAlL J\OT EXCEED THE LESSER Of (A) THE AMOUNT PAID <br />BY CUSTOMER FOR Till- SERVICI, AT ISSLE IN TilE PRIOR SIX (6) <br />MONTHS TO THE ACTlO'l/ riIVI'l/G RISE TO THE CLAIM, OR (1-1) 0'1/1' <br />IIUNDRFD TIlOllSAJ\D DOLLARS ($100,000.00) 1'1/ TOTAL; PROVIDED, <br />HOWEVER, THAT THE FOREGOI'l/G LIMITATIONS SHAI.L 'l/OT AI'PLY lOOK <br /> <br />Page I of3 <br />Cogent Communications, Inc. 101531" SI.. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20007 202.295.4200 <br /> <br />COGENT: <br />Customer: <br /> <br />/2!!= <br /> <br />