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<br />Network Services Terms & Conditions I\orth America (Vcr Apr. 05) <br />Confidential <br /> <br />DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY CAUSED BY COGE:-JT. OR FOR A'\JY OTHER <br />LIABILITY WIIICH MAY l':OT BE EXCLUDED OR UMITED U"iDER <br />API'L1CARLE LAW. <br /> <br />5.3. CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE INTUWET CONSISTS OF <br />Ml:LTIPLE PARTlClPATIl':G :-JUWORKS THAT ARE SEPARATELY OI,l,'NFD <br />AND NOT SUBJECT TO COGENT'S r-O'\JTROL. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT <br />COGENT SHALL NOT BE UABI.E FOR DAJ\.IAGES I:-JCURRED OR SCMS <br />PAID \VHEN THE SERVICES ARF TEMPORARILY OR f'ERMA\iENTI.Y <br />UNAVAILABLE DUE TO MALFU1\CTlOI' OF. OR CESSATIO'\J OF, <br />INTERl':ET SERVICES BY \iET\VORK(S) OR I'\JTERNET SERVICE <br />PROVIDERS NOT SUBJECT TO COGE'\JT'S CO'\JTROL, OR FOR <br />TRANSMISSION ERRORS l\i, CORRUPTIO'\J OF. OR THE SECURITY OF <br />CUSTOMER INFORMATION CARRIED ON SUCH '\JETWORKS OR INTERNET <br />SERVICE PKOVlDFRS. COGENT SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY HEREU"iDER <br />FOR DAMAGb:S I~CURRED OR SL'MS PAID DUE TO A'\JY FAULT OF <br />CUSTOMI-R OR ANY THIRD PARTY, OR BY AI'Y HARMFUL COMPO:-JENTS <br />(SLCH AS COMPUTER VIRUSES, WORMS, COMPUTER SABOTAGE. AND <br />"DE\iIAl. OF SERVICE' ATTACKS) COGEl':T IS NOT LIABLE FOR A1\Y <br />BREAU-I OF SECLlH1Y 0'1 THE CUSTOMER'S NET\VORK, REGARDLESS <br />OF WHETHER ANY RI-:MEDY PROVIDED IN THIS AGRI.FMENT FAILS OF <br />liS ESSE1\TIAL PURPOSE. CUSTOMER AGRFES THAT IT \VILL 1\OT Il0LD <br />COGI,NT RESf'ONSIBLE FOR A1\Y SELlCTIO\i OR RETE~TI01\ Of, OR TilE <br />ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF, THIRD PARTIES I'\J CON:-JECTI01\ WITI! THE <br />Sf'RVICES (INCLUDING THOSf' WITH WHOM COGE'\JT MAY CO\iTRACT <br />TO OPERATE THE S!:RVICf'S), OR HOLD A THIRD PARTY RESf'Ol\SIRI.E <br />FOR ANY SELECTION OR RETI-:NTlON OF. OR THE ACTS OR OMISSI01\S <br />OF, COGI.Sl 1:-.1 CONNECTION V,'ITl-1 THE SERV[(TS. WITHOL'T LlMJTIW, <br />TIlE FOREGOING, CUSTOMER M,REES THAT IT WII.'- NOT HOLD COGENT <br />RESPO:-JSIBLE FOR (A) TlllKD PARTY CLAIMS M,AINST CCSTOMER FOR <br />DAMAGES, (13) LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO CUSTO~lEK'S RECORDS OR <br />DATA ORi'HOSE OF ANY THIRD PARTY, OR (C) LOSS OR DAMAGE TO <br />CUSTOMER ASSOCIATED WITII TIlE INOI'ERABILlTY OF CUSTOMER'S <br />EQLlI'MI.NT OR APPLlCATI01\S WITH A:\Y COMI'ONENT OF THE <br />SERVICES OR THf-: COGE)\;T 1\ETWORK CUSTOMER AGREFS TO MAKE <br />A[.L ('[_AIMS RELATED TO TilE SERVllTS nmlO("TLY A(,AINST COGENT, <br />AND WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO RECOVER DAMAGES (DIRECTLY OR BY <br />INDLM1\ITY) REI.ATED TO THE SERVICES BY CI.AIMING AGAINST OR <br />rHROUGIl A THIRD l'ARTY TO THIS CSA. <br /> <br />5.4, l'iElTlILR COGENT 1\OR ANYONE EI.SE INVOLVED IN CREATI1\G, <br />PRODLClNG. DELlVERIl':(i (INCLUDING SLSI'E~DI'\JG OK <br />DISCONTI:\UI:"G SERVICES) OR SUPPORTIW, THE SERVICES SHALL BE <br />I.1AI1LE TO CUSTOMER, ANY REl'RESENTATIVE, OR Al\Y THIRD PARTY <br />FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR COl\SJ:QLEl':TIAL <br />DMvlAGES ARISIMi OCT OF THE SERVICLS OR INAHII.ITY TO USF THI-' <br />SERVICES, I;>.;CLUDING, WrrHO\~T L1MITATlO~, LOST REVE'\JUE, LOST <br />PROFns, LOSS OF TECHNOLOGY. RIGHTS OR SERVICES, [,V[,N 11' <br />ADVISED 01-' HIE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, WHETHEK Ul\.DER <br />THEORY OF CO'\TRACT OR TORT (I\iCLI.IDIl':G NEGLIGENCE, STRICT <br />LlAI3ILlTY OR OTHERWISE) <br /> <br />5.5. '\JO ACTIO)\; OR PROCEEDI'\JG AGAINST COGENT MAY BE <br />COMME1\CED BY TilE CUSTOMER MORE IIl,AN 0r\F. (I) YEAR AFTER THF <br />LAST DAY ON \VHICII TIlE SFRVICI, WI[[UI IS nlf-: BASIS FOR Till: <br />ACTIO~ IS II.l-NIlERED, A'\D n;STOMf'R ACK\iOWLEDGES THAT THIS <br />[IMITATION CO'\STITlJTES A'\J EXPRESS WAIVER OF A:-JY RIGHTS U~DER <br />,\'\JY APPLICABLE STATUTE Of' L1MITATIO:-JS WIIIClI WOCLD <br />OTHF:RWISE AFFORD ADDITIONAL TIME FOR SUCH A CLAIM. <br /> <br />6. lNDEM:\'ITY. <br /> <br />6.1. Customer will indemnify, defend and hold harmless COGENT <br />and its directors, omcers, employees, affiliates, and its agents and <br />subcontractors from and against any claims, suits, actions, and <br />proceedings from any and all third parties, and for payment of any <br />Losses, to the extent such Losses arise (a) as a result of non- <br />compliance hy Customer with ils obligations under Ihe Agreement: <br />(b) from any and all claims by any of Customer's customers or other <br />third party end users in connection wilh a Service (including, wilhoul <br />Iimilation, any claims regarding con lent transmitted using a Service or <br />violation of dala protection legislation), regardless of the tonn of <br /> <br />,tj Cogent Communications, ]ne. 2004 <br /> <br />action, whether in contract, tort, warranty, or strict liability; nrovided, <br />however, that Customer will have no obligation to indemnify and <br />defend COGENT against claims for damages for bodily injury or <br />death caused by COGE!\:l's gross negligence; or (c) from claims of <br />copyright infringement and all manner of intellectual property claims, <br />defamation claims, claims of publication of obscene, indecent, <br />offensive, racist, unreasonably violent, threatening, intimidating or <br />harassing material, and claims of infringement of data protection <br />legislation, to the extent such Losses arc based upon (i) the content of <br />any information transmitted by Customer or by any of Customer's <br />customers or lluthorized end users, (ii) the use and.-'or publication of <br />any and all communications or information transmitted by CuslOmer <br />or by any of Customer's customers or authorized end users, or (iii) lhc <br />use of Service(s) by Customer in any manner inconsistent with the <br />terms of this Agreement, including without limitation the AUP. <br /> <br />7. ADLlITlO:"'AL PROVISIO:\'S, <br /> <br />7.1, Except as tu pllyment obligations of Customer, neither Party shall <br />have any claim or right against the other Party for any failure of <br />perfonnance due to Force Majeure. <br /> <br />7.2. Neither Party is the agent or legal representative of the other Pm1y, <br />and this CSA docs llot create a partnership, Joint venture or fiduciary <br />relationship between COGENT and Customer. Neither Party shall have <br />any authority to agree for or bind the other Party in any manner <br />whatsoever. This Agreement confers no rights, remedies, or claims of <br />any kind upon any third party, including, withuut limitation, Customer's <br />subscribers or end-users. <br /> <br />7.3. This Agreement for Service is made pursuant to and shall be <br />construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the District of <br />Columbia without regard to its choice of law principles. Any aclion <br />arising out of or re]ated to this Agreement shall be brought in the <br />District or Federal courts located in the DiSlrict of Columbia, and <br />Customer consents to the jurisdiction and venue of such courts. <br /> <br />7.4. I\otices, if required, must be sent in writing by e-mail, courier or <br />first class mail (postage prepaid) to the appropriate contact point listed <br />on the Order Form, and are considered made \vhen received at that <br />address In the event of lln emergency, COGENT may only be able to <br />provide verbal notice first; such verbal notice will be followed by <br />wntten notICe. Customer is respollsibJc for accuracy of its <br />infonnntion on the Order Form, including points of contact. <br /> <br />7.5. Customer may not assign this CSA without COGENT's prior <br />written consent which consent shall nOI unreasonably be withheld. Any <br />such assignment without COGEI\T's prior wTitten consent shall be void <br /> <br />7,6. Without limiting any olher obligation \vhich expressly survives <br />the expiralion or prior tennination of the term of the CSA, the <br />expiration or prior termination of the tenn of the CSA shall relieve <br />both Parties of any further obligations hereunder, except with respect <br />10 the Sections 2.3 4.3 4.4 and 5 throullh 7, which shall survive any <br />expirntion or termination of these Terms <br /> <br />7.7. [f(but only if) required by COGEI\T's or Customer's llgreement <br />with Customer's Landlord: (a) any cesSlltion or interruption in <br />COGENT's Service docs not constitute a default or constructive <br />eviclion by Customer's Landlord, and (b) Customer agrees to waive <br />and reJcase Landlord nnd its related parties from any liability in <br />connection with any damages whatsoever incurred by Customer, <br />including lost revenues, which arise, or are alleged to arise, out of any <br />interruption of or defect in the COGENT Service, REGAKDU:SS OF <br />WIIETlIER SUCH I:"iTERRUPTIO:'\J OR DEFECT IS CAUSED BY TilE <br />ORDI:"'ARY :\'EGLlGE:'\JCE (BUT :"'OT THE GROSS ~EGLlGE'\JCE OR <br />\\ill.I.FlIl. \IlSCO'\lllICT) OF A RICLF.ASEO }>ARTY. <br /> <br />7.8. The COGENT Network is owned by COGENT, or its licensors, <br />and is protected by copyright and other il11ellectual property laws. <br />Customer agrees Ihat title to and owners]lip of the Services, il1 any <br />10n11, shall at all times and in any event be held exclusively by <br />COGENT. Customer shall be entitJcd to only such rights with respect <br />to the Services as arc specifically granted herein. <br /> <br />COGENT: <br />Customer: <br /> <br />PA- <br /> <br />Page 2 of3 <br />Cogent Communications, Inc. 101531" St., N,W., Washington, D.C., 20007 202.295.4200www.co1!cntco.(ol11 <br />