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San Clemente, City of 1
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San Clemente, City of 1
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Last modified
7/23/2015 10:24:08 AM
Creation date
5/26/2006 4:05:20 PM
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City of San Clemente
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<br />Attachment A <br /> <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br /> <br />. Develop targeted outreach for all ages, ethnic and cultural groups persons with <br />disabilities, and special needs populations <br />. Provide opportunities for volunteers with special skills and interests <br />. Ensure residents are connected to emergency alert systems <br />. The use of citizens/volunteers for surge capacity <br />. Organize special projects and community events <br />. Encourage cooperation and collaboration among community leaders <br />. Cross-leverage Citizen Corps programs <br />. Leverage existing resources, such as SHSP, UASI, and other DHS programs, <br />Special Volunteer Grants from the Corporation for National and Community <br />Service, or those issued at the community level, to include private sector funding <br />. Capture smart practices, and evaluate and report accomplishments. <br /> <br />In addition, efforts to include public communication and citizen participation in <br />jurisdiction plans, such as EOPs, and to have citizen advocates sit on existing advisory <br />councils and task forces is allowable. <br /> <br />It is also critical to evaluate the impact of Citizen Corps Councils and Citizen Corps <br />programs have on the community. Expenditures to evaluate Citizen Corps Council <br />programs and activities is allowable, to include assessing the effectiveness in engaging <br />citizens, the impact on the community safety and quality of life, and a cost/benefit <br />analysis. <br /> <br />Public Education/Outreach. Citizen Corps Councils may develop or reproduce public <br />education and outreach materials to educate and engage the public; conduct outreach <br />and hold community events; and develop alerts, warning, and communications systems <br />to the public, to include tailored materials and communications to special needs <br />populations. <br /> <br />Allowable expenditures include materials to support a public awareness campaign, <br />media coverage, outreach activities, and public events, such as: public safety <br />announcements; printed advertising; billboards; promotional flyers; booth displays; <br />conference backdrops; podium signs; recognition pieces for Citizen Corps participants; <br />informational buttons, pins, key chains, clothing, badges, and magnets; newsletters, <br />posters, buck slips; and other materials that either educate the public, encourage the <br />public to participate, or recognize and support Citizen Corps partners and participants. <br />All materials must include the Citizen Corps logo whenever possible. <br /> <br />Citizen ParticipationNolunteer Programs. One of the goals for Citizen Corps <br />Councils is to provide volunteer service opportunities across all emergency prevention, <br />preparedness and response disciplines, for community safety efforts, and for disaster <br />relief. Citizen Corps funding may be used to establish or enhance volunteer program <br />and volunteer recruitment efforts for Neighborhood Watch, CERT, VIPS, MRC and Fire <br />Corps; for the Citizen Corps affiliate programs; for other homeland security efforts at the <br />state and local level; for outreach and training activities; and to support the Citizen <br />Corps Council. <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />81 <br /> <br />
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