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7/23/2015 10:24:08 AM
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5/26/2006 4:05:20 PM
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<br />Attachment A <br /> <br />FY05 HOMELAND SECURITY GRANT PROGRAM <br /> <br />To assist local communities with engaging volunteers, Citizen Corps funds may be used <br />for costs including but not limited to: 1) recruiting; 2) screening/assessing; 3) training; 4) <br />retaining/motivating; 5) a system to track activities and participants (in compliance with <br />applicable privacy laws); 6) recognizing; 7) evaluating volunteers, 8) the purchase of or <br />subscription to identification/credentialing systems to support the tracking of volunteers. <br /> <br />Eauipment <br />Equipment for citizen participants is critical. Allowable equipment costs include: <br />equipment related to specific training or volunteer assignments and outfitting trainees <br />and volunteers with program-related materials and equipment, e.g. issuing CERT kits, <br />credentials/badges, and identifying clothing. <br /> <br />Trainina <br />Training is a central component of the Citizen Corps mission and training funding by <br />these grants can include all-hazards safety such as emergency preparedness; basic <br />first aid; life saving skills; crime prevention and terrorism awareness; public health <br />issues: mitigation/property damage prevention; safety in the home; CERT; search and <br />rescue skills; principles of NIMS/ICS, community relations, volunteer management; any <br />training necessary to participate in volunteer activities; or other training that promotes <br />community safety. <br /> <br />Training should be delivered in venues throughout the community, to include schools, <br />neighborhoods, places of worship, private sector, NGO, and government locations with <br />specific consideration to include all ages, ethnic and cultural groups, persons with <br />disabilities, and special needs populations. Jurisdictions are also encouraged to <br />incorporate non-traditional methodologies such as the Internet, distance learning, home <br />study, and to leverage existing training provided via educational/professional facilities. <br />Pilot courses and innovative approaches to training citizens are encouraged. <br /> <br />Instruction for trainers and training to support the Citizen Corps Council members in <br />their efforts to manage and coordinate the Citizen Corps mission is also an allowable <br />use of the FY05 Citizen Corps funding. <br /> <br />Allowable costs include: 1) instructor preparation and delivery time (to include overtime <br />costs); 2) hiring of full or part-time staff or contractors/consultants to assist with <br />conducting the training and/or managing the administrative aspects of conducting the <br />training; 3) quality assurance and quality control of information; 4) creation and <br />maintenance of a student database; 5) rental of training facilities; 6) printing course <br />materials to include instructor guides, student manuals, brochures, certificates, <br />handouts, newsletters and postage (although preference is for an electronic newsletter <br />with email addresses as part of the database unless the individuals or areas to be <br />served have limited access to electronic communications); 7) course materials specific <br />to the subject matter, such as instructor guides, student manuals, bandages, gloves, fire <br />extinguishers, mannequins; and 8) outfitting trainees and volunteers with program- <br />related materials and equipment, e.g. issuing CERT kits, credentials/badges, identifying <br />clothing. <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY I OFFICE FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS <br />82 <br /> <br /> <br />
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