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Amendment to Agreement for Engineering <br />Services with Metcalf & Eddy <br />June 5, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />These tasks were not specified as part of the consultant's original <br />contract. Staff recommends that City Council approve an amendment in the <br />amount of $12,000 to perform this additional work. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />There is no environmental impact associated with this action. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />The Federal Grant provides funding for 55% of the design and construction <br />costs. The City will be responsible for the remaining 45~. Funds are <br />available in the Water Enterprise Capital Construction Fund (account no. <br />66-579-6635) . <br />APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br />Jam s G. Ross <br />Ex cutive Director <br />blic Works Agency <br />JGR\SW\RFCA\06-5-06\AmendAgreementEngSrvMetcalf&Eddy\JGR <br />G! <br />Francisco Gutierrez <br />~-Executive Director <br />Finance & Mgmt. Services Agency/~- <br />25A-2 <br />