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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 1. TERM <br />2 The term of this Agreement shall commence on July 1. 2006. and terminate <br />3 on June 30. 2007. unless earlier terminated pursuant to the provisions of <br />4 Paragraph 37 of this Agreement; however. CONTRACTOR shall be obligated to <br />5 perform such duties as would normally extend beyond this term. including but <br />6 not limited to obligations with respect to indemnification. audits. reporting <br />7 and accounting. CONTRACTOR and ADMINISTRATOR may mutually agree in writing to <br />8 extend the term of this Agreement. for up to an additional twelve (12) months <br />9 upon the same terms and conditions, provided that COUNTY's maximum obligation <br />10 as stated in Subparagraph 17.1 of this Agreement does not increase as a <br />11 result. <br />12 2. ALTERATION OF TERMS <br />13 This Agreement. including any Exhibit(s) attached hereto and <br />14 incorporated by reference. fully expresses all understandi ngs of the parti es <br />15 and is the total Agreement between the parties as to the subject matter of <br />16 this Agreement. No addition to. or alteration of. the terms of this <br />17 Agreement. whether written or verbal. by the parties. their officers. agents. <br />18 or employees. shall be valid unless made in the form of a written amendment to <br />19 this Agreement which is formally approved and executed by both parties. <br />20 3. STATUS OF CONTRACTOR <br />21 CONTRACTOR is and shall at all times be deemed to be. an independent <br />22 contractor and shall be wholly responsible for the manner in which it performs <br />23 the servi ces requi red of it by the terms of thi s Agreement. Nothi ng herei n <br />24 contai ned sha 11 be construed as creati ng the re 1 ati onshi p of employer and <br />25 emp 1 oyee. or pri nci pa 1 and agent. between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR or any of <br />26 CONTRACTOR's agents or employees. CONTRACTOR assumes exc 1 usi ve ly the <br />27 responsi bi 1 ity for the acts of its employees or agents as they relate to <br />28 services to be provided during the course and scope of their employment. <br /> <br />(WBC0406l <br /> <br />4 of 37 <br /> <br />(4/19/2006) <br />