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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1 CONTRACTOR, its agents, employees and volunteers, shall not be entitled' <br />2 to any rights and/or privileges of COUNTY employees, and shall not be <br />3 considered in any manner to be COUNTY employees. <br />4 4. DEFINITIONS: <br />5 4.1 Barriers to Employment: Circumstances that interfere with Welfare- <br />6 To-Work (WTW) participation, employment, or job search. <br />7 4.2 Ca 1 WORKs: The acronym for the Ca 1 iforni a Work Opportunity and <br />8 Responsibility to Kids Act of 1997, as described in Section 11200 et. seq. of <br />9 the Welfare and Institutions Code. <br />10 4.3 Community Service: A core Welfare-To-Work training activity that <br />11 is temporary and transitional, which is performed in the public or private <br />12 non-profit sector under close supervision, and provides participants with job <br />13 ski 11 s that can 1 ead to employment whi 1 e a 1 so meeti ng a community need. The <br />14 Community Service activity is not intended to be punitive in nature. It is an <br />15 opportunity to succeed through an intense case management approach that <br />16 utilizes all available resources in a focused manner. <br />17 4.4 Computer Information Systems (CIS): COUNTY provided Computer <br />18 Information Systems through which participant referrals are received by <br />19 CONTRACTOR regarding services provided to participants. <br />20 4.5 Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT): A partnership team including but <br />21 not limited to staff from Welfare-To-Work, Behavioral Health Services, <br />22 Domesti c Abuse Servi ces, Hea lth Ca re Agency. One-Stop Centers. Employment <br />23 Support, Job Servi ces and Vocati ona 1 Assessment counselors. The purpose of <br />24 this team is to assist the participant to identify and address issues that <br />25 have prevented the participant from being successful and work towards the <br />26 program goa 1 of self -suffi ci ency. The MDT wi 11 be bound by the informed <br />27 consent requirements specified in Exhibits "A" and "B", Paragraph 7.3. <br />28 / / / <br /> <br />(WBC0406l <br /> <br />5 of 37 <br /> <br />(4/19/2006) <br />