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delivered under this Agreement is held to be <br />infringing and its use is enjoined, the <br />Contractor, at its option and expense, shall: <br />(a) secure for the City the right to continue <br />using such Visiphor Application by suspension of <br />any injunction or by procuring any necessary <br />license or sublicense for the City; or (b) modify <br />such component so that it becomes non-infringing; <br />or (c) remove such Visiphor Application and <br />refund all sums paid therefore without prejudice <br />to any other rights of the City. These covenants <br />shall survive the termination of this Agreement <br />and are in addition to any other rights or <br />remedies of the City specified in this Agreement <br />or otherwise provided by law. <br />7.13.12 Resolution of Disputes. <br />(a) The parties to this Agreement shall exercise <br />their best efforts to negotiate and settle <br />promptly any dispute that may arise with respect <br />to this Agreement in accordance with the <br />provisions set forth in this Section 7.13.12(a). <br />(i) If either party (the 'Disputing Party") <br />disputes any provision of this Agreement, or <br />the interpretation thereof, or any conduct <br />by the other party under this Agreement, <br />that party shall bring the matter to the <br />attention of the other party at the earliest <br />possible time in order to resolve such <br />dispute. <br />(ii) If such dispute is not resolved by the <br />employees responsible for the subject matter <br />of the dispute within ten (10) business <br />days, the Disputing Party shall deliver to <br />the first level of representatives below a <br />written statement (a ~~Dispute Notice") <br />describing the dispute in detail, including <br />any time commitment and any fees or other <br />costs involved. <br />(iii) Receipt by the first level of <br />representatives of a Dispute Notice shall <br />commence a time period within which the <br />respective representatives must exercise <br />their best effort to resolve the dispute. <br />Primary Agreement June 15, 2006 Page 32 <br />