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If the respective representatives cannot <br />resolve the dispute within the given time <br />period, the dispute shall be escalated to <br />the next higher level of representatives in <br />the sequence as set forth below. <br />(iv) If the parties are unable to resolve the <br />dispute in accordance with the escalation <br />procedures set forth below, the parties may <br />assert their rights under this Agreement. <br />Escalation Timetable <br />(Business Days) <br />0 to Stn <br />6th t0 10th <br />lltn to 15th <br />Visiphor Client <br />Representative Representative <br />Project Manager Project Manager <br />Operations Manager Mike Lewellen <br />Executive Officer Chief <br />(b) Notwithstanding the fact that the parties may be <br />attempting to resolve a dispute in accordance <br />with the informal dispute resolution procedures <br />set forth in Section 7.13.12(a) hereof, the <br />parties agree to continue without delay all their <br />respective responsibilities under this Agreement <br />that are not affected by the dispute. <br />(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may, <br />before or during the exercise of the informal <br />dispute resolution procedures set forth in <br />Section 7.13.12 (a) hereof, apply to a court <br />having jurisdiction for a temporary restraining <br />order or preliminary injunction where such relief <br />is necessary to protect its interests pending <br />completion of such informal dispute resolution <br />procedures. <br />7.13.13 Reserved. <br />7.13.14 NeMS Releases. News releases and all other <br />related information pertaining to this Agreement <br />shall not be made available to anyone by the <br />Contractor without the prior written approval of <br />the City. The City acknowledges that Visiphor is <br />a publicly traded company and as such has a legal <br />obligation to publicly disclose material events <br />and contracts. The City agrees to provide approval <br />for any news releases required under these <br />Primary Agreement June 15, 2006 Page 33 <br />