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Agreement between VISIPHOR Corporat/on and <br />City of Santa Ana (Exh/bR PJ <br />of Defects VISIPHOR may respond with a written response, CD ROM or diskette, <br />supplementary documentation, a temporary means of circumventing the problem, or other <br />correctional aids. <br />Techoological Release means: (a) technological improvements required to allow the <br />Product to operate in conformance with Current Technology. Technological Releases do <br />not include Migration Services. <br />2. SERVICES <br />2.1. The Customer shall provide First Level Support through its own Help Desk, <br />or that of a designee or designees as outlined in Schedule A-2 of this Agreement. <br />2.2. VISIPHOR shall provide Support to the Customer by telephone, a-mail, <br />facsimile, modem or an Internet connection (as appropriate). <br />2.3. VIS[PHOR shall provide Technological Releases from time to time. <br />2.4. In the provision of Support, VISIPHOR shall adhere to the following response <br />standards and at all times shall provide Support in accordance with the highest industry <br />standards recognizing the public interest duties and responsibilities of the Customer: <br />2.4.1. SEVERITY LEVEL ONE <br />Severity Level One Definition: The Application Package Programs <br />are totally inoperative and the use of the Product for processing <br />transactions or database searches is not possible. <br />Severity Level One Response Time: VISIPHOR shall respond by <br />telephone to the Customer within twenty-four (24) business hours <br />of initial notification to VISIPHOR. If the initial notification was <br />not by telephone or not during VISIPHOR business hours, this <br />response time shall start when Support personnel receive the <br />notification. <br />Severity Level One Resolution Time: VISIPHOR shall provide its <br />best commercial efforts to initiate a resolution within forty-eight <br />(48) business hours of the initial notification. <br />Severity Level One Resolution: VISIPHOR shall provide a <br />program correction, program patch or a procedure for Customer to <br />bypass or work azound the error condition in order to resume <br />operations. If a bypass procedure is utilized, VISIPHOR shall <br />continue error correction activity, on a high priority basis, until a <br />program correction or patch is provided. <br />Confidential Page 4 7/17/2006 <br />City oCSama Ma-EzhibilF Copyright®2006-VISIPHOR Corporation <br />