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Agreement between VISIPHOR Corporatlon and <br />C/ty o/Santa Ana [Exh/b/t F) <br />data conversion, screens and matching algorithms) exclusively for the Customer, as listed <br />in Schedule A-1 (Section 17). Notwithstanding the above, any Custom Modification <br />shall be approved in advance by the Customer. Any modification which is made for the <br />purpose of maintaining the operability of the application package shall not be to the <br />account of the Customer and only those modifications which are requested by and <br />approved by the Customer shall be paid for by the Customer. <br />Current Technology means the version of application utilized by V[SIPHOR in its latest <br />Product and Technological Release. <br />Database means the Oracle® or Microsoft® Programs (as the case may be) licensed to <br />Customer by Oracle® or Microsoft® for the purpose of using the Product. <br />Defect means a failure of the application to perform the designed functionality caused by <br />an error in the application. <br />Deliverables means the items specified m the Statement of Work to be provided by <br />VISIPHOR including the Application Package Programs, Services, and Custom Services. <br />Delivery Platform means a secondary computer environment that will functionally <br />reflect the Production System and contain, at a minimum, a representative sample of <br />curcent data and whereupon VISIPHOR shall install all Technological Releases, <br />associated patches and Defect corsections; and which will be used by Customer for <br />acceptance validation and regression testing (as appropriate) prior to promotion to the <br />Production System. <br />Documentation means user manuals, reference guides, training materials, release notes, <br />on-line help and other materials in printed or electronic form, which facilitate use of the <br />Product or Custom Modifications. <br />First Level Support means providing fvst-line help services to end users of VISIPHOR <br />software applications to determine whether reported issues relate to VISIPHOR software <br />or third party hardware or applications not covered under the scope of this Agreement. <br />Go Live means start up of production use of the Product. <br />Migration Services means the services required (including, but not limited to, data <br />conversion, installation, project management, [raining) by Customer to give full effect to <br />any Technological Release provided hereunder. <br />Production System means the computer operating system(s) and Application Package <br />Programs used by Customer in the live processing of its data. <br />Rules has the meaning ascribed to it in § 10.2 <br />Specification means the statement of requirements to be satisfied by a product or service <br />as noted in the Statement of Work. The Specification leads to the Acceptance Criteria, to <br />be met during the Acceptance Testing during the Acceptance Period. <br />Support means: (a) responding to inquiries concerning a reported Defect(s) in the <br />Product; and (b) corsection to problems diagnosed as Defects in the cursently supported <br />version of the Product or as updated through the term of this Agreement. In the resolution <br />Confidential Page 3 7/17/2006 <br />Ciry ofSanfa Ma-Exhibi[F Copyright®2006-VISIPHOR Corporation <br />