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<br />c. Involve other changes in the existing environment, which, <br />due to their location or nature, could individually or <br />cumulatively result in loss of Farmland, to non-agriculture <br />use? <br /> <br />No IlI\Pact <br /> <br />According to the California Department of Conservation Farmland <br />Mapping and Monitoring Program, the City of Santa Ana contains a <br />limited amount of Prime and Unique Farmlands. Approval of the <br />proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to regulate Big Box <br />retail uses would not result in impacts to agriculture <br />resources, in that the proposed ordinance would not permit Big <br />Box retail uses in areas that contain Prime Farmlands or Unique <br />Farmlands. <br /> <br />III. AIR QUALITY <br /> <br />A. Conflict with or obstruct implementation of applicable Air <br />Quality Attainment Plan or congestion Management Plan? <br /> <br />No Impact <br /> <br />The City of Santa Ana is included within the South Coast Air <br />Quality Management District and subject to the requirements of <br />the Clean Air Act at both the Federal and State level. The South <br />Coast Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) is the primary planning <br />document to monitor if air quality standards and objectives are <br />being achieved in the South Coast Air Basin. The air quality <br />objectives in the AQMP are based upon population and growth <br />projections provided in regional planning programs and local <br />general plans. A project could be in conflict with the AQMP if <br />it results in population and growth impacts beyond those <br />identified in regional planning programs and local general <br />plans. The proposed amendment to the Municipal Code to regulate <br />Big Box retail uses would not have any effect on the growth <br />projections in the City's General Plan. Therefore, approval of <br />the proposed ordinance would not be in conflict with the South <br />Coast AQMP. <br /> <br />B. violate any stationary source air quality standard or <br />contribute to an existing or proposed air quality <br />violation? <br />C. Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any <br />criteria pollutant for which the project region is non- <br />attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air <br />quality standard? <br /> <br />75A1S19 <br />