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Exhibit A -1 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Fulfillment <br />illustrated by <br />Tracking <br />HUD 0 jective to be fulfilled <br />HUD Outcomes to be fulfilled <br />HUD Indicator <br />Suitable <br />Creating <br />Specific Outcome <br />Activity/Program <br />Outcome Tracking <br />Goal <br />Living <br />Decent <br />Economic <br />Availability/ <br />Affordability <br />Suatainabili <br />Indicator # <br />Environment <br />Housing <br />pportunitic <br />Accessibility <br />(Please see page 4 <br />of 4 for desc.) <br />Senior Services <br />I. Track assisted senior, <br />1.80 %ofassistedsenior <br />citizens that mmamed <br />citiuwu will remain <br />❑ <br />independent for at least l <br />independent for at least l <br />r after services were <br />year after smites are <br />X <br />X <br />L <br />provided <br />provided. <br />2. Track seniors receiving <br />2, 90%ofsomm-someiving <br />ferrals that were linked a <br />roberrala will be linked to the <br />❑ <br />the services sought <br />ervieca sought. <br />X <br />X <br />^/ <br />L <br />corer- Occupied <br />Number of owmers assisted <br />Phwdl safety it comfort <br />Housing Rehabilitation <br />to rehabilitate their primary <br />Will be improved for Low <br />idea¢ for the following <br />nil Moderate income <br />income categories: <br />households by improving <br />❑ <br />-Extremely Low Income <br />homes to a level that meets <br />o <br />-Vary <br />-Very Low Income <br />exceeds HUD housing <br />X <br />- Moderate Income <br />quality standards. <br />J <br />Special Needs Categories <br />Large Families <br />Frail Elderly Services <br />Track flail elderly <br />Wil, of had elderly <br />individuals that were linked <br />individuals will be linked to <br />❑ <br />to the services sought, <br />he smites sought. <br />!1 tr <br />p A <br />2 <br />Disabled Sees <br />rvic <br />rack disables parsons <br />Support independent living <br />hose independent living <br />for 90% of disabled persons <br />❑ <br />was supported by City funds. <br />assisted by City funds. <br />A p <br />X <br />G <br />2 <br />Services for Mentally III <br />rack individuals assisted <br />100 %of individuals assisted <br />with City resources that were <br />with City resources will be <br />❑ <br />provided an entry point into <br />provided an cony point into <br />e regional mental health <br />care system and linked to at <br />the regional mental health <br />are system and linked at <br />m <br />X <br />X <br />^/ <br />(� <br />least one additional mental <br />least one additional mental <br />heath supportive service. <br />health supportive service. <br />Services for Substance <br />Track haw many individuals <br />Provide entry into the <br />ddicted <br />with substance inkl then in <br />regional recovery system for <br />were provided an entry into <br />25 individuals with <br />the negioval recovery system <br />substance addiction and link <br />❑and <br />linked to additional <br />ern to additional services. <br />X <br />X <br />L <br />^•5 -yam goal to be <br />thieved by FT 09/10 <br />Youth Services <br />1. Track improvement in <br />1. For education -based <br />-test, post -lest scores. <br />mgrain" improve pre -test <br />n -test scores by 50% <br />tr <br />A <br />X <br />L1 <br />2. Track number of <br />. Provide opportunities for <br />❑ <br />individuals exposed to the <br />fine <br />exposure m the fine arts. <br />X <br />arts. <br />X <br />3. Track children/youth <br />3. 90 %ofeliddreNyouth <br />❑ <br />seeking referrals that were <br />seeking commas will be <br />X <br />r'� <br />linked m the smites sought. <br />linked to the services sought <br />X <br />L <br />-evil Moderate, <br />Track program participants <br />% of program participants <br />come Smices <br />t were linked to services <br />ill be linked to services <br />sought. <br />ught. <br />!1 <br />X <br />p <br />2 <br />A <br />G <br />Exhibit A -1 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />