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Description of Outcome Tracking System: <br />Please describe your organization's outcome tracking system that will enable you to fulfill the outcome selected above. <br />Laura's House measures the overall success of the program by using both quantitative and qualitative evaluation tools. <br />Quantitative measurements include counting the number of women and children, maintaining a census log which includes all client <br />demographic information and their outcome status upon departure from the shelter program. <br />The qualitative evaluation process and tools are as follows: 1) client satisfaction outcomes are measured by each client completing an <br />exit evaluation survey that addresses all components of the program including accomodations, staff & volunteers, children's programs, <br />counseling, groups, legal advocacy and case management. 2) program participants are tracked throughout their stay in the program and <br />given pre /post testing via our Client Strenghts Assessment tool to evaluate increases in knowledge and/or changes in attitude and <br />behavior. <br />The purpose of the evaluations is to provide information on the effectiveness of the programs and staff and whether we are successful <br />in reaching our program goals. The results of the program evaluations provide client input in the development of new programs and/or <br />curriculum revision on current programs. <br />Exhibit A -1 <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />