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<br />. <br /> <br /> Fulfillment <br /> illustrated by <br /> Trackius! HUn Ob' ective to be fulfilled HUn Outcomes to be fulf"dled HUn Indicator <br /> Suitable Creating Specific Outcome <br />Activity/Program Outcome Tracking Goal Living Decent Economic Availability/ Affordability Sustainabilit; Indicator # <br /> Environment Housing Opportunitie Aeecssibility (Please see page 4 <br /> of 4 for dcsc.) <br />cniorServices L Track assisted senior I. 80'% of assisted scnior <br /> citizens that remained ilizens will remain <br />D independent for at least I 'ndependent for at least I X X 2 <br />ear after services were ear after scrvices arc <br /> rovidcd, rovided, <br /> 2, Track seniors receiving . 90'% of seniors receiving <br /> fcrralsthatwerelinkedto fcrrals will bc linked to the <br />D the services sought. scrviccssought. X X 2 <br />wncr-Occupied umbcrofownersassisted safety and comfort <br />ousingRehabilitation rehabilitate their primary iU be improved for Low <br /> sidence forthc following nd Moderate income <br /> income categories: ouseholdsbyimproving <br />D -EJltremely Low Income omcs to a lcvcl that meets 9 <br />-Very Low Income reJlceeds HUD housing X X <br /> -Moderatelneomc ualitystandards, <br /> SpecialNeedsCatcgories <br /> -Lar-geFamilics <br />rail Eldcrly Services Trackfraileldcrly 0% of frail elderly <br /> individuals that were linked individuals will bc linked to 2 <br />D to the services sought. e serviccs sought. X X <br />isabledScrvicC$ rack disablcs persons Support independent living <br /> hose independent living for 90% of disabled persons 2 <br />D as supported by City funds. ssisted by City funds. X X <br />ervices for Mentally III rack individuals assisted I 00% of individuals assisted <br /> ith City resources that were ith City resources will bc <br />D rovidedancntrypointinto rovided an entry point into <br />the regional mental health he regional mcntal health X X 2 <br /> care systcm and linked to at are system and linked to at <br /> leastoncadditionalmcntal least one additional mental <br /> health supportive service. ealthsupponiveserviee. <br />5ervices for Substance Track how many individuals ovide entry into the <br />ddicted with substance addiction in gional reeovcry system for <br /> cre provided an enlry into Sindividualswith <br /> ercgional recovery system ubstancc addiction and link <br />[gJ ndlinkcdtoadditional hem to additional scrviccs, 2 <br />services. X X <br /> ."S-year goal to be <br /> chievedbyFY09/10 <br />outhServiccs ], Trackimprovemcutin 1,Foreducation-based <br /> !vre.test, post-test scores, !Programs, improve pre-test 2 <br />D ost-testscorcs by 50''10 X X <br /> 2. Tracknumbcrof . Provide opportunitics for <br />D individuals exposed to the xposure to the fine arts, X X 2 <br />fine arts. <br />D 3. Trackchildren!youth 3.90%ofchildrcn!youth <br />seekingrefcrralsthatwere seeking referrals will be X X 2 <br />linkcd to the services sought. linked to the scrvices sought <br />ILOw-andModerate- Trackprogrampartieipants fJO% ofprogrampanicipants <br />jIncomeServices Ihatwere linked to services ill be linked to services 2 <br /> sought. ought. X X <br />D <br /> <br />Exhibit A-I <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />