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COMMENTS <br />90.A. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br />Miles Leach opined that enforcement of speed limits was a better traffic mitigation measure than <br />speed bumps; traffic problems were making people sell their homes; diverters were creating even <br />more traffic; and traffic enforcement responsibility should fall more on Police and less on Public <br />Works. Leach expressed concerns about Public Works procedures for polling neighborhoods on <br />traffic plans. <br />Sal Juarez referred to a recent Register newspaper article on "Ghost Town, Santa Ana" and <br />contended that the problem was not created by illegal immigration but by lack of code <br />enforcement and by competition from modern shopping centers; reported that a scaled -down <br />Northgate Market proposal had been submitted to the City and asked Council to support the <br />project; and stated he had decided to discontinue his neighborhood improvement volunteer <br />efforts. <br />Stan Long requested the December 18, 1995 Council Study Session in the Main Library with the <br />Environmental and Transportation Advisory Committe (ETAC) be televised in order to increase <br />public awareness of traffic issues and their mitigation process. (Councilmember Moreno asked <br />the Council to grant the request. Councilmember Mills noted the logistical problems involved, <br />encouraged interested residents to attend the December 18 Study Session at the Library, and <br />suggested any ETAC procedural changes be presented at next month's regularly televised Council <br />meeting.) <br />Florence Leach opined that the Council vote on the Santa Ana 2000 Scholarship Fund at the <br />November 20, 1995 Study Session was inappropriate and asked for written public disclosure on <br />the administration and financing of the Scholarship Fund. <br />Anne Long alluded to Stan Long's ETAC request above and opined the public was interested in <br />knowing both the outcome of and reasons behind a Council vote. <br />Mayor Pulido clarified that the Council will proceed with the December 18 Study Session as <br />scheduled and that the Council would not be voting on ETAC issues until the next televised <br />Council meeting. <br />90.B. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br />Councilmember Lutz reported that Council Services Manager Lorraine Lazarine was recuperating <br />from major surgery; commended Police Captain Bruce Carlson, Sergeant Paul Gonsalves, <br />Sergeant Dan Carr, and Officer Leo Carillo for their prompt action in resolving constituent <br />complaints of loud, unruly parties; and wished everyone "Happy Holidays." <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 353 DECEMBER 4, 1995 <br />